CEHD Administration
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Item Interim Policies and Procedures for the New College of Education and Human Development(University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development, 2006-06-13) CEHD Ad Hoc Faculty / Staff CommitteeLetter to Terry Collins, Interim Dean, General College; Jan Hogan, Interim Dean, College of Human Ecology; Steven Yussen, Dean, College of Education and Human DevelopmentItem CEHD Governing Council 2007–2008 Minutes(University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development, 2008) CEHD Governing CouncilMinutes from CEHD Governing Council meetings, September 19, 2007-April 16, 2008Item CEHD Curriculum Council 2007–2008 Minutes(University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development, 2008) CEHD Curriculum CouncilMinutes from CEHD Curriculum Council meetings, September 11, 2007-April 17, 2008Item College Update(University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development, 2008-04-24) Bailey, DarlyneText of administrative email about changes in college organization and structure. Two CEHD academic departments—Educational Policy and Administration (EdPA) and Work and Human Resource Education (WHRE) will be combined.Item WHRE Announcement(University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development, 2008-07-16) CEHD Senior Management TeamText of administrative email about changes in college organization and structure. The Department of Work and Human Resource Education (WHRE) will close July 1, 2009, and programs will be aligned with other departments within the University.Item CEHD Administrative Realignments(University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development, 2008-06-05) Bailey, DarlyneText of administrative email about changes in college organization and structure.Item Organization Chart CEHD College of Education and Human Development(University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development, 2008-03) University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human DevelopmentItem Interim Constitution: College of Education and Human Development(2006) University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human DevelopmentThe College is committed to values that include commitment to excellence; diversity/inclusion; access that leads to effective support and academic success; cross-fertilization of interests of faculty/students across the CEHD and the University; high-quality instruction and teaching expertise; civic/public engagement; a sense of community among faculty, staff, students, and alumni, and greater connections to PreK-12 and other higher education institutions in Minnesota. Pursuant to these purposes, the CEHD plays a special role in the University’s realization of the egalitarian principles that sustain its vitality as an urban, land grant research institution. This constitution is not part of the employment contract between the University and its employees. It does not establish terms and conditions of employment. All conditions not covered in this constitution shall be governed by University policies and procedures. To the extent that any provision conflicts with a Board or other University policy or procedure, the Board or other University procedure shall govern.Item Interim Policies and Procedures for the New College of Education and Human Development(University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development, 2006-05-10) Collins, Terry; Hogan, Jan; Yussen, StevenThank you for agreeing to serve on the ad hoc faculty/staff committee to consider an interim governance and policy/procedure structure for the 2006-07 academic year. We expect that your recommendations will form the basis of the new CEHD operations until a new Constitution is developed and new policies and procedures are adopted. We ask you to meet as often as necessary in early June to review current practices in all three colleges and then make a recommendation to us on the topics listed below no later than June 13, 2006. We, in turn, will carefully consider your recommendations and forward them with our advice to the Provost. The Provost will advise the administration of the New College on how to proceed.Item Constitution of the College of Education and Human Development(University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development, 2007-04-25) University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human DevelopmentIt is the purpose of this constitution to provide a framework enabling faculty, professional academic and administrative staff, civil service/bargaining unit personnel, and students to work collaboratively to fulfill the mission of the College. This constitution is not part of the employment contract between the University and its employees. It does not establish terms and conditions of employment. All conditions not covered in this constitution shall be governed by University policies and procedures. To the extent that any provision conflicts with a Board of Regents or other University policy or procedure, the Board or other University procedure shall govern.Item CEHD Aspirations & Expectations(University of Minnesota: College of Education and Human Development, 2006-10-24) Bailey, DarlyneThe new College of Education and Human Development is a world leader in discovering, creating, sharing, and applying principles and practices of multiculturalism and multidisciplinary scholarship to advance teaching and learning and to enhance the psychological, physical, and social development of children, youth, and adults across the lifespan in families, organizations, and communities.