College of Education and Human Development

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Historical note: At the directive of the Minnesota legislature and by an act of the University’s Board of Regents, the College of Education was created on December 12 1905 as the Department of Pedagogy, with the mandate of guiding the training of teachers, principals, and school superintendents.

In 2006, the College of Education and Human Development joined the General College and two College of Human Ecology departments (the School of Social Work and the Department of Family Social Science) to form the new College of Education and Human Development. The General College was reorganized into the Department of Postsecondary Teaching and Learning within the CEHD. CEHD home page:

The digital texts available here are complemented by the historical archives of the College of Education and Human Development and its predecessors, available for research in the University of Minnesota Archives, 218 Elmer L. Andersen Library.

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