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Deeply Affordable Housing in the Twin Cities Metro: Who produces it, where, and how?
(2024-05-01) Abdullahi, Abdullahi; Koch, James; Maxwell, Harrison; McEnery, Griffin
Despite a vibrant affordable housing industry in the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area, little research has focused specifically on the challenges in developing deeply affordable housing. This capstone project shines light on the local landscape of deeply affordable housing, through data analysis, mapping, and stakeholder engagement. Over the past decade, deeply affordable housing development in the Twin Cities metro has been concentrated in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, and supply trails far behind demand. Amid a decades-long disinvestment in public housing at the federal level, non-profit developers are overwhelmingly responsible for providing deeply affordable housing. These developers operate on razor-thin margins and rely heavily upon subsidies from all levels of government, including tax credits, project based vouchers, tax increment financing, and various loans and grants. Currently available subsidy is highly competitive and falls short of adequately supporting both new developments with deeply affordable units and preserving already existing deeply affordable units. Further, as construction and operating costs rise and interest rates remain elevated, the subsidy available is stretched thinner still. With little hope for significant investment at the federal level, public entities at all levels of government in the state can enact policy interventions to increase development, which could include state sponsored vouchers, a robust state housing tax credit, inclusionary zoning, and more. To address concerns over the need for sustained investment in housing, a statewide constitutional amendment has been proposed at the legislature. This could provide needed and ongoing funding to meet the metro-wide demand for deeply affordable housing.
Trade-Offs in Crash Risk: A Safety Comparison of Bidirectional Bicycle Facilities
(2024-05-01) Bragonier, Aidan; Broughman, Justin; Wilson, Maxwell
This research examines the safety outcomes for cyclists on bidirectional bicycle facilities relative to other varieties of cycling facilities in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Using crash data for collisions involving both motor vehicles and bicycles, we determined bicycle facilities consisting only of painted lanes pose the highest risk to cyclists by a significant margin, followed by bidirectional facilities separated from motor vehicle traffic by plastic bollards. Unidirectional bicycle facilities separated by either plastic bollards or curbs and bidirectional facilities separated by curbs were found to pose lower and similar levels of risk to cyclists. Additionally, a majority of crashes occurred in intersections, demonstrating the need for carefully planned crash mitigation strategies on a case-by-case basis. Our findings indicate that when future bicycle facilities are constructed in Hennepin County, unidirectional facilities should be selected over bidirectional whenever possible, and in either case, curb separation should be provided whenever feasible, especially for bidirectional facilities.
Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Resident and Fellow Commencement Program, 2024
(University of Minnesota, 2024-06-18) University of Minnesota Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Neuroscience knowledge enriches pedagogical choices
(Elsevier, 2019-04-19) Schwartz, Mark S; Hinesley, Vicki; Chang, Zhengsi; Dubinsky, Janet M
Teachers face a daunting challenge in balancing the demands of employing student-centered pedagogies in contexts where mandated testing and district teaching expectations can easily constrain or compromise their pedagogy. In this pilot study, we investigated how professional development based on the “neuroscience of learning” impacted non-science teacher understanding of basic neuroscience; and, in turn, how that knowledge impacted their reflections on pedagogy. In a pre/post design, teacher understanding of neuroscience improved significantly after the 36-h course based upon a set of educational neuroscience concepts. Furthermore, teacher revisions of their lesson plans after the course revealed the integration of more student-centered pedagogies.