Statistics for The University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy
Total visits
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Examining the Impact of Later High School Start Times on the Health and Academic Performance of High School Students: A Multi-Site Study | 101348 |
The Best Plants For 30 Tough Sites | 93003 |
An arc across fields of study: electricity in Physics and Chemistry (1751-1807) | 49511 |
Racial Covenants in Hennepin County | 36339 |
Review of Research: How Leadership Influences Student Learning | 35649 |
Oral history interview with Wesley Clark | 35275 |
The Meaning of "Meaning" | 31448 |
Fear and Reconciliation: The U.S.-Dakota War in White Public Pedagogy | 29312 |
Pest management for the home apple orchard | 28612 |
Mother tongue-based multilingual education in the Philippines: studying a top-down policy from the bottom up | 27610 |