MInneTESOL Journal, Volume 13-23 (1995-2006)
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MinneWITESOL is a professional association of teachers of English as a Second Language in Minnesota and neighboring states dedicated to the education and support of students acquiring English at all levels of public and private education.
Search within MInneTESOL Journal, Volume 13-23 (1995-2006)
Recent Submissions
Item Volume 23, 2006(Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2006)CONTENTS: ARTICLES: "'Hmoob Boy Meets Hmong Girl': Orthographic Codeswitching in a Playscript" by Susan M. Burt; "Tracking the Progress of Students Whose First Language is Not English towards English Proficiency: Using CBM with English Language Learners" by Joseph Betts, Paul Muyskens, and Doug Marston; "Can Music Be Used Effectively To Teach Grammar?" by Rhoda Fagerland; "ESL Class: Grammar Lesson (Poem)" by Diane Pecoraro; "Tutoring Programs for ELLs: Moving Beyond the Classroom to Support Academic Achievement" by Susan Ranney and Tina Edstam; REVIEWS: "'A Gift for Sadia' by Marie Fritz Perry" Reviewed by Anita Dualeh; "'Essential Academic Vocabulary: Mastering the Complete Academic Word List' by Helen Huntley" Reviewed by Debra Leach; "'From College to Careers: Listening in the Real World' by Angel Bishop Petty and Robert Engel" Reviewed by Christine Liptak; "'World Link: Developing English Fluency' by Douglas S. Stempleski and J.R. Morgan" Reviewed by Charlotte Martin "'Targeting Pronunciation: Communicating Clearly in English' by Sue F. Miller" Reviewed by Julia Tabbut; "'My Name Is .... Stories and Art by Young Refugees in Minnesota Schools' by Susan Everson" Reviewed by Shervun XiongItem Volume 21, 2004(Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2004)CONTENTS: ARTICLES: "Professionalism in Practice: ESL voices" by Tina Edstam; "The New English Language Proficiency Standards: Issues in Curriculum and ESL Teacher Professionalism" by Martha Bigelow & Susan Ranney; "Exploring the Immediate and Delayed Effects of Formal Instruction: Teaching Giving and Responding to Compliments" by Noriko Ishihara; REPORTS: "Using children's multicultural literature in the culturally and linguistically diverse classroom: an Africa example" by Feng-Ling Margaret Johnson; "Keeping it Real: Using Authentic Materials with Beginning Adult Learners" by Patsy Vinogradov; "Issues and a Model of Assessment for Determining Learning Disabilities (LD) in the Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) Population" by Mam Frank; "Preparing English Education Majors to Teach Second Language Learners" by Marilyn Durham; REVIEWS: "'Teaching Adult ESL; A Practical Introduction' by Betsy Parrish" Reviewed by Astrid Liden; "'Weaving It Together: Connecting Reading and Writing' by M. Broukal" Reviewed by Becky Uran Markman; "'Are ESL Professionals On The Way Out?' An article by Platt, Harper and Mendoza" Reviewed by Kit HansenItem Volume 22, 2005(Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2005)CONTENTS: ARTICLES: "Finding a Voice and a Place: Using Life Histories in a Second Language Writing Classroom" by Molly Rojas Collins, Robin Murie, and Dan Detzner; "Educational Models and Effective Practices in Occupational English for Immigrant Workers" by Kimberly A. Johnson and Kelly Marchwick; "Non-Native Teachers in Expanding Circle Countries: Assets and Implications for Teacher Education" by Diana L Dudzik; "ELL Teacher Preparation: A Process for Becoming Strategic Teachers" by Kathryn Henn-Reinke; "An Alignment Study ofthe Test of Emerging Academic English and Minnesota's Standards for Reading in Grades 3, 5, 7 and 10." by Thomas Lombard, Julie Henderson and Tim Vansickle; REVIEWS: "'Sound Bites: Pronunciation Activities' by J.R. Kozyrev" Reviewed by Larry Davis; "'Inspired to Write: Readings and tasks to develop writing skills' by J. Withrow, G Brookes and M.C. Cummings" Reviewed by Amy Tarell; "'Accommodating and Educating Somali Students in Minnesota Schools' by M. Farid and D. McMahan" Reviewed by Elizabeth Kurtz "'Growing Up in Two Worlds: A Murri Trilogy from Australia My Girragundji (1998); The Binna Binna Man (1999); Njunjul the Sun (2003)' by M. McDonald and B. M. Pryor" Reviewed by Don Hones; "'Hey, Hmong Girl, Whassup? The Journal of Chou a Vang' by L. Rempel" Reviewed by Rhonda MunsonItem Volume 20, 2003(Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2003)CONTENTS: ARTICLES: "Curriculum Components ofthe Practicum in ESL" by Noriko Ishihara; "When One Size Doesn't Fit All: English Language Learners and Content Standards" by Karla Stone; "Sustained Content for Business English Programs: Structuring, Selecting, and Implementing Learning" by Oleg Tamopolsky; "Addressing Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom: Becoming Culturally Competent" by Susan Bosher; REVIEWS: "'Silence from the Journal "Paj Ntaub Voice: A Journal Giving Expression to Hmoob Voices Moua' edited by Mai Neng" Reviewed by Amy Hubers; "'Dual Language Instruction - A Handbook for Enriched Education' by Cloud, Genesee, and Hamayan" Reviewed by Sara AustinItem Volume 19, 2002(Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2002)Contents: ARTICLES: "Mental and Written Translation Strategies in ESL" by Andrew D. Cohen; "Evaluating the Needs of Workers and Employers in a Workplace ESL Program: Some Ideas for Consideration" by Ann M. Barncard; "Collaboration to Improve English Language Learners Access to a Standards-based Curriculum" by Nicolas Foote; "Meaning, Dimension, and Perspective as Explanation to some Thorny Prepositions" by Carl Zhonggang GauItem Volume 18, 2001(Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2001)Contents: ARTICLES: "La Club de Lectura: An Oasis for Struggling Readers in Bilingual Classrooms" by Kathryn Henn-Reinke; "The Multicultural Classrooom: Immigrants Reading the Literature of the American Immigrant Experience" by Molly Collins; "A Look at ESL Instruction for Literacy-Level Adults" by Patsy Vinogradov; "Issues Related to ESL Students and Minnesota's Basic Standards Tests: A Synthesis of Research from Minnesota Assessment Project" by Michael E. Anderson, Bonnie Swierzbin, Kristin K. Liu, & Martha L. Thurlow; REVIEW "'New Immigrants in the United States' by Sandra Lee McKay & Sau-Ling Cynthia Wong (Eds.)" Reviewed by Adele Hansen; POEMS: "ImAgInArY WoRlD" by Hawa Farah; "A Bird Flying up the Sky" by Hawa FarahItem Volume 17, 2000(Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2000)Contents: ARTICLES: "Understanding and Teaching American Cultural Thought through English Metaphors" by Carl Zhonggang Gao; "An Alternative Model for Novice-Level Elementary ESL Education" by Karen Duke and Ann Mabbott; "Wisconsin's Approach to Academic Assessment for LimitedEnglish Proficient Students (LEP): Creating a Continuum of Assessment Options" by Tim Boals; "More Than the Usual Heterogeneity in the ESL Writing Class" by Mark Balhorn; REVIEWS: "'Bilingual Education: Teachers' Narratives' by Nancy Lemberger" Reviewed by C-C O'Malley; "'The Internet Activity Workbook' by Dave Sperling" Reviewed by John Skinner; POEMS: "The Great Escape" by Don HonesItem Volume 16. 1999(Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1999)Contents: ARTICLES: "Expanding our Vision of English Language Learner Education in Minnesota: Implications of State Population Projections" by Elaine Tarone; "Mainstream Teachers' Perceptions of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching ESL Students" by George A. Youngs, Jr. and Cheryl Stanosheck Youngs; "Recruiting Minority Teachers from within Local School Districts: The Lakeland College Urban Teachers Outreach Program" by Perry R. Rettig; "The Importance of Context in the Academic Achievement of English Language Learners" by Marina Hammond; "Form, Function, and Meaning: Understanding/Teaching English Participles" by Carl Zhonggang Gao; REVIEWS: "'Street Speak: Essential American Slang and Idioms, 2nd edition' by Davis Burke and David Harrington" Reviewed by Marya Teutsch-Dwyer; "'Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom' by Richard R. Day and Julian Bamford" Reviewed by Andrea Poulos; "'Materials Development in Language Teaching' by Brian Tomlinson" Reviewed by Elizabeth Kirchoff; "'Beyond Training: Perspectives on Language Teacher Education' by Jack C. Richards" Reviewed by Andria Christenson; "'Focus on Form in Classroom Second Language Acquisition' by Catherine Doughty and Jessica Williams, eds." Reviewed by Ann Przybilla; STUDENT WORK: "Nostalgia" by Jer; "My Way" by Midori Sato; "The Shield of the Republic of Colombia" by Gladys Helena BeltranItem Volume 15, 1998(Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1998)Contents: ARTICLES: "Strengthening the Bridge: A High School-University Partnership" by Robin Murie; "Ch' emyon in the EFL Classroom" by James H. Robinson; "The Changing Artwork of the Hmong" by Alice Weickelt; "Creating University Communities" by Mike Mutschelknaus; "Direct Grammar Instruction in the Communication-based Classroom" by Sheila E. Hansen; REVIEWS: "'The American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture' by Maryanne Datesman, Joann Crandall and Edward Kearney" Reviewed by Julie Adler; "'New Ways in Content-Based Instruction' by Donna M. Brinton and Peter Master, eds." Reviewed by Pat Stoffers; STUDENT WORK" "Mountains and Trees" by You a Yang; "I Really Want..." by Zang Xiong; "The Only One" by Soua YangItem Volume 14, 1997(Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1997)Contents: ARTICLES: "LEAP English Academy--an Alternative High School for Newcomers to the United States" by Jeff DuFresne and Sandra Hall; "Defining the World: Content-Based Learning in an ESL Classroom" by Elizabeth A. Hoadley; "The World Wide Web and Electronic Mail: Applications for ESL" by Joannah L. O'Hatnick; "Reading Lab: a Comprehensive Starter Kit" by Tom Richards; REVIEWS: "'Voices from the Language Classroom' by Kathleen M. Bailey and David Nunan, eds." Reviewed by Adele G. Hansen; "'To Destroy You Is No Loss: The Odyssey of a Cambodian Family' by JoAn D. Criddle" Reviewed by Robin Murie; "'Bamboo & Butterflies: From Refugee to Citizen' by JoAn D. Criddle" Reviewed by Jeff Hoover; "'"My Trouble Is My English": Asian Students and the American Dream' by Danling Fu" Reviewed by Andrea PoulosItem Volume 13, 1995-1996(Minnesota and Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1995)Contents: ARTICLES: "Iwareru and Meiwaku: A Comparative Analysis of Japanese and American Communicative Styles" by Masako Saito and James H. Robinson; "Reading in the Elementary Classroom" by Alice Weickelt; "An Overview of Hmong for ESL Teachers" Lisa Dettinger and Thorn A. Upton; "Reading Lab: From Pleasure Reading to Proficiency?" by Evangeline L. French; "The Paraphrasing Process of Native Speakers: Some Implications for the ESL Classroom" by Laurie Eckblad Anderson; REVIEWS: "'Academic Listening, Research Perspectives' by John Flowerdew" Reviewed by Xochitl Dennis; "'Understanding Communication in Second Language Classrooms' by Karen E. Johnson" Reviewed by Gail Ibele "'Apple Pie: Delta's Beginning ESL Program, revised edition' by Sadae Iwataki, Ed." Reviewed by Lesley Andrews; POETRY: "Poem" by Sharon Hilberer