Master's Degree Culminating Works
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This collection contains works created by UMD graduate students for master's degrees from programs based at UMD. It includes theses (for "Plan A" thesis-based master's degrees), projects (for "Plan B" project-based master's degrees), and papers (for "Plan C" coursework-based master's degrees).
Please note: Additional theses (not Plan B project papers or Plan C papers) can be found in the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Dissertations and Theses collection.
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Item An Analysis of Body-Specific Mechanisms Explaining the Associations Between Self-Compassion, Body Checking, and Body Image Avoidance(2024-06) Backderf, ChloëBehavioral manifestations of body image dissatisfaction, such as body checking and body image avoidance, are linked with the pathology of eating disorders (Walker et al., 2018). Due to this relationship, research establishing risk and protective factors for these body image disturbances is important for the development of interventions. One of these potential protective factors is self-compassion (Braun et al., 2016), which is comprised of three compassionate facets (mindfulness, self-kindness, common humanity) and three uncompassionate facets (overidentification, self-judgment, isolation). The mechanisms by which self-compassion are linked to body checking and body image avoidance are understudied, particularly with respect to the individual facets of self-compassion, which could provide information on what aspects of self-compassion relate most with these body image disturbances. The present cross-sectional study examined the relationship between the three uncompassionate facets of self-compassion and body checking/avoidance through mediation models. We anticipated that each uncompassionate facet would be associated with body checking and body image avoidance, and that these relationships would be mediated through a body-specific variable (e.g., body shame, body comparisons, body rumination) that appeared to conceptually align with that particular uncompassionate component. Specifically, we hypothesized that a) the relationship between self-judgement and body checking/avoidance would be mediated by body shame, b) the relationship between isolation and body checking/avoidance would be mediated by body comparisons, and c) the relationship between over-identification and body checking/avoidance would be mediated by body rumination. A total of 195 female college students completed a set of surveys and were included in the analyses. Pearson’s correlations and simple mediation analyses were used to examine the various models we hypothesized. Results showed that the uncompassionate facets correlated with their paired body-specific cognition, and both the uncompassionate facets and body-specific cognitions correlated with body checking and avoidance. The body-specific cognitions significantly mediated the relationship between their paired uncompassionate facet and body checking/avoidance. Parallel mediation analyses showed that no body-specific cognition explained the relationship between any uncompassionate facet and body checking/avoidance significantly more than the other body-specific cognitions. This indicates that body-specific cognitions, in general, appear to co-occur and collectively mediate the relationship between lack of self-compassion and body checking/avoidance, as opposed to specific body cognitions. The results of this study may be helpful in understanding the processes involved in the development of body image disturbances and could be useful in informing specific targets in self-compassion interventions.Item Exploration of Increased Visitor Use Motivations and Impacts on the Visitor Experience as well as on the Natural Resource(2024-08-01) Bhat, Fouzia BThis exploratory study investigated the surge in nationwide usage of protected natural areas in the USA, that aimed to understand the driving forces behind the increasing visitor numbers. The research addressed whether the rise in visitor use was influenced by advertising, COVID-19 lockdowns, or other factors, with a focus on natural areas along the North Shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota. By exploring visitor motivations and their perceived impacts (through online and in-person survey), gauging perspectives of nature area park managers (through online survey) to assess their perspectives on the impacts of increased visitor use and assessing impacts on charter fishing businesses to understand changes in visitor patterns and associated effects on recreational businesses (through online survey), the study provided a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play. With a 92.9 % response rate from 158 participants overall, the research highlighted the nuanced dynamics of outdoor recreation, emphasizing the need for adaptive management strategies to balance visitor experiences with environmental preservation. The results showed diverse visitor motivations and importance of balancing visitor preferences with environmental preservation in campground management. Park Managers faced complex challenges managing recreational lands during COVID-19, necessitating strategic planning and adaptive management. The Lake Superior charter fishing industry demonstrated resiliency and adaptability necessitating ongoing efforts to address challenges and leverage opportunities.Item Nature-Based Early Learning and Preschoolers' Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary: An Exploratory Study(2024-08) Stelley, Hannah MThis study examined how nature-based practices affect preschoolers’ receptive and expressive vocabulary. The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test and the Expressive Vocabulary Test were administered to 134 children from 11 preschool classes at the beginning and end of the 2022-2023 preschool year. Results suggest that nature-based practices that are integrated into preschool programs support significant vocabulary growth, but that effectiveness varies by public versus private setting and children’s socioeconomic status. This study adds to the literature surrounding effective practices for supporting vocabulary development. It also adds to the growing body of research that incorporates the impact of nature play on children’s overall development and school readiness.Item Do Explanations Matter? The Hiring of Ex-offenders(2024-06-19) Manning, Josieann JMany employers are disinclined to hire applicants who have committed a crime due to the belief that they will commit another offense in the future. In order to screen out those with prior offenses, employers may use criminal background checks. After such background checks are conducted, applicants may be given the opportunity to explain the circumstances behind their criminal offenses to their employer, should they have one. However, little is known about how such explanations affect how the applicant is evaluated by the employer. This study aimed to assess whether the type of explanation offered by an ex-offender with a felony conviction will increase their likelihood of being hired by the organization. A total of 413 participants were recruited to participate in this study. Results revealed that the type of felon a person had (nonviolent versus violent) had no impact on their favorability rating by the participant. Furthermore, the type of explanation provided by the job applicant (none, self-explanation, court documentation, or both) also had no impact on the way that the participant perceived the ex-offender. Results of this study did reveal that the hiring decision-maker’s belief set did have an impact on how they perceived the job applicant. Participants who had an incremental theorist belief set (growth mindset) perceived the job applicant more favorably than participants with an entity theorist belief set (fixed mindset). These findings indicate that providing an explanation has no impact on whether the ex-offender may be hired by an organization.Item Mystical Experiences Following Solo and Dyadic Orgasmic Meditation and the Impact of Orgasm Occurrence(2024-04) Hill, Madeleine RItem Children's Wellbeing and ADHD among Rural and Urban Families(2024-05) Coleman, Callie AnnThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between both positive parent-child relationships and community support to child ADHD symptom severity and child subjective wellbeing across rural and urban families. Past literature has found extensive barriers for accessing quality mental health services among rural families, however there is limited information on assets and strengths of rural families that may facilitate improved mental health. In particular, accessing high quality mental health services is important for assessment and treatment of mental health conditions such as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Additionally, evaluating the relationships between parents and children would be beneficial, as ADHD is a concern of the entire family. The current study’s aim is to provide information on the unique experiences of rural families with children with ADHD that may ultimately inform community or school based services. The current study recruited children with ADHD and their families from urban and rural settings to complete surveys on the parent-child relationship, child wellbeing, and community support. Results showed a significant main effect of positive parent-child relationships on ADHD symptom severity. However, location and community support were not significant predictors of ADHD symptom severity. Community support and positive parent-child relationships were significantly associated with each other. Results showed there were no significant main effects of the predictors of location, community support, and positive parent-child relationships on child subjective wellbeing. Implications and limitations of the current study are discussed.Item Glacial History of the Late Wisconsinan Des Moines Lobe in Minnesota: Geomorphic, Lithologic and Stratigraphic Evidence for Two Advances(2024-05) Arends, Heather EContinental ice sheets play a significant role in the Earth’s climatic system. Reconstructing the growth and decay of the Laurentide Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum betters our understanding of how ice sheets respond to climate change and contribute to rising global sea levels. The southwestern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet formed discrete terrestrial lobes, influenced by bed topography. The Des Moines lobe (DML), channeled by the Red River and Minnesota River valleys, advanced to a terminal position in central Iowa. Four dated ice margins provide chronological constraints for regional correlations: the Bemis at ~17.0 ka cal BP, the Altamont at ~16.2 ka cal BP, Algona at ~14.8 ka cal BP, and the Big Stone moraine at ~14.0 ka cal BP, which marks the transition to what is known as the Red River lobe. The number and timing of DML phases were reconstructed using multiple lines of evidence derived from geomorphic, lithologic, and stratigraphic analyses. In a study area located in southwestern Minnesota and eastern South Dakota, the delineation of subglacial bedforms was used to identify lateral shear margins positioned at the base of topographic highs. Locations of lateral shear margins also correlate to continuous glacial landforms and the greatest compositional variability within the till sheet, observed from modeling 451 DML till sample sites. Spatial relationships indicate that a single, heterogenous till sheet is surfically exposed throughout the study area and bed topography may have influenced ice-flow dynamics to generate faster flow. Correlations of moraines with the stratigraphy of Late-Wisconsinan sediments indicate there is one continuous basal till unit capped by discontinuous sorted, unsorted, and interbedded sediments that extends from the Bemis margin and continues up-ice of the Altamont moraine. A second till sheet overlies this stratigraphy north of the Algona moraine in Minnesota. Results suggest that the DML experienced two phases. The first, associated with the Bemis advance, is followed by a systematic retreat from the study area and reorganization of the ice mass. A second advance is associated with the Algona margin. The onset of global warming, defined by Greenland Interstade 1 (GI-1), occurred soon after the Algona advance at ~ 14.7 ka cal BP. Rapid climate change caused widespread stagnation and ice retreat to the Big Stone margin at a rate of 250 meters/year. The scale of stagnation and resulting surficial landforms is a unique response to unprecedented global warming associated with the GI-1 and probably not representative of earlier DML ice behavior. The ages of proglacial lakes that bound the Big Stone moraine suggest the margin is a recessional feature and does not represent a third advance.Item Trauma-Informed Weight Lifting as an Adjunctive Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Among Adolescents in Residential Treatment(2024-05) Lee, Elizabeth KathleenThere is little research on the effects of weightlifting as an adjunctive embodiment-based intervention on posttraumatic stress symptoms among adolescents with complex trauma histories. Therefore, the present study sought to explore how a newly developed adjunctive embodiment-based intervention, Trauma-Informed Weight Lifting (TIWL), influenced participants’ self-reported posttraumatic stress and associated mental health symptoms. Twelve adolescents from two residential facilities participated in the current study. Seven participants engaged in a weekly, eight-week TIWL intervention. Following a participant preference approach, participants without a preference for engaging in TIWL were assigned to the treatment as usual (TAU) comparison condition (n = 5). Those who engaged in TIWL were compared to those in the TAU group. Posttraumatic stress and associated symptoms were measured with six validated self-report measures. Symptoms were assessed before participants started TIWL, mid-way through the intervention, at the end, at 4-week post-intervention follow-up. Posttraumatic stress symptoms and interoception were assessed weekly. Overall, TIWL appeared feasible and acceptable in an adolescent residential treatment setting based on participants’ attendance rate (87.5%) and ratings of helpfulness (Ms = 75.71–94.71). Although effects were not maintained at follow-up and demonstrated some mixed findings between the weekly and monthly outcomes, the present study provided overall evidence for the efficacy of TIWL in lowered posttraumatic stress (Mi-j = -3.39, t = -2.08, p = .04, dRM, pooled = 3.20), depression (F(4, 5.25) = 6.73, p = .03, dRM, pooled = 0.59), and stress symptoms (F(4, 5.04) = 9.76, p = .01, dRM, pooled = 0.05) and higher levels of interoception (Mi-j = 0.45, t = 0.73, p = .47, dRM, pooled = 0.18) at the last TIWL session compared to baseline. There was also a large difference (~1.32 SD) in arousal and reactivity symptom levels between the TIWL condition and the comparison condition, with greater differences in Week 1 to Week 8 scores for the TIWL condition. From baseline to the four-week post-intervention follow-up self-reported avoidance (Mi-j = 0.67, t = -0.50, p = .25, dRM, pooled = -0.39), arousal and reactivity (Mi-j = 3.21, t = 1.16, p = .15, dRM, pooled = -0.27) and derealization (Mi-j = 0.69, t = 1.01, p = .15, dRM, pooled = -0.30) posttraumatic stress symptoms were higher in the TIWL condition. Given that two of the seven TIWL participants dropped out after two sessions, posthoc exploratory analyses were conducted with them removed. These analyses showed lower posttraumatic stress (Mi-j = -11.28, t = -1.39, p = .11, dRM, pooled = 0.94), depression (Mi-j = -3.88, t = -1.27, p = .13, dRM, pooled = 0.64), anxiety (Mi-j = -2.24, t = -1.26, p = .12, dRM, pooled = 1.17) and stress (Mi-j = -4.45, t = -1.68, p = .08, dRM, pooled = 0.63) symptoms from baseline to follow-up. Therefore, the participants who received a minimum of seven sessions of TIWL reported improvements in their posttraumatic stress and associated mental health symptoms from baseline to follow-up with large effects. Researching the effects of TIWL and extending beyond the present pilot study (e.g., multiple trials starting at different time points, larger sample sizes, different doses, comparing TIWL to a standard weightlifting group) are warranted given the potential confounds that could not be controlled for here.Item The Effects of Psychosocial Threat on Working Memory Performance in Anxious Individuals(2024-05-24) Anderson, Jillian CA large area of anxiety research assesses two key characteristics, state and trait anxiety. Scholars find that individuals with high trait anxiety have difficulty disengaging their attention away from threatening stimuli. When in a threatening situation, people may experience elevated heart rate, increased skin conductance, and ruminating thoughts. This can distract the individual during decision-making and further disturb their memory. Thus, the current experiment intended to examine specific variables that affect the relationship between stress and working memory performance in anxious and non-anxious individuals. Variables that were expected to influence working memory performance included levels of state and trait anxiety, and physiological arousal. Participants first completed a complex working memory task (OSPAN task) followed by undergoing a common psychosocial stressor (Trier Social Stress Test) and completed the OSPAN task again. Heart rate and skin conductance levels were also collected. Results showed that heart rate and skin conductance levels were significantly elevated during the Trier Social Stress Test compared to baseline measures. State anxiety also significantly increased from baseline to after the stress test. Furthermore, overall working memory performance was better on the second round of the working memory task. However, participants who experienced the greatest increases in state anxiety performed the worst on the second round. The current findings contribute to the growing body of literature on the individual’s cognitive and physiological responses as they experience anxiety and stress.Item Effects of Nature-Based Learning on Elementary Students’ Sustained Attention: An Exploratory Study(2024-05) Schumacher, MossNature-based learning (NBL) is a growing approach to education, and is backed by decades of research showing that when people spend time outside, they experience benefits to their physical and mental health, relationships, academic performance, and beyond. As this style of education gains traction, it is important to explore the impact it has on students. The present study looked at the impact of NBL on the sustained attention of 16 fifth grade students by evaluating their sustained attention ability directly before and after a NBL lesson and an indoor control lesson. Results showed that after students experienced a NBL lesson, they responded significantly faster on a sustained attention measure, as compared to the pre-lesson results and the indoor control lesson results. Implications of this research and further research recommendations are provided.Item Contextual Predictors of BIPOC Students’ College Experience at a PWI: A S-BIT of Work Perspective(2024-05) Lindenfelser, Hope ElizabethObjectives: Utilizing the theoretical framework of the Strengths-Based Inclusive Theory of Work (S-BIT of Work), the purpose of this study was to assess the relationships among contextual factors, the college setting, and positive individual characteristics amongst BIPOC college students. Specifically, discrimination, institutionalized classism (contextual variables), supportive university environment, cultural congruity (promotive work/educational context variables), hope, strengths use, and empowerment (individual positive characteristics) were examined. Participants: 98 adult college students from a predominately White 4-year institution in the Midwest (United States) who identified as BIPOC were recruited for this study. Method: Participants were recruited via three recruitment methods: emails to student clubs, organizations, and offices; extra credit offered by psychology faculty; and the University of Minnesota Duluth’s Psychology Research Pool (SONA). Participants completed validated measures for each variable previously noted. Participants were either entered into a drawing for one of 74 $25 gift cards, if desired, offered extra credit in a psychology course, or offered SONA credit depending on the recruitment method. Results: Path analysis was used to evaluate the theoretical model. Discrimination significantly and negatively predicted supportive university environment and cultural congruity. Also, results approached significance between institutionalized classism and hope, with a negative relationship. Results suggest that contextual barriers BIPOC students experience negatively relate to their perceptions of their environment, and these barriers may negatively relate to students’ goal-setting ability (i.e., hope).Item The Sedimentology and Petrology of the Upper Cambrian Mt. Simon, Eau Claire, and Galesville Formations in Southeastern Minnesota(1993-06) Churchill, RichardThe Mt. Simon Sandstone, Eau Claire Formation, and the Galesville Sandstone comprise the Upper Cambrian Dresbachian Stage, and are found as subsurface strata in southeastern Minnesota with scattered small outcrops along the Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers. The formations are relatively flat-lying units located in a structural lowland termed the Hollandale Embayment. The Mt. Simon has an unconformable contact with the underlying Precambrian basement. The Eau Claire is conformable with the underlying Mt. Simon and the overlying Galesville. The Galesville has an unconformable contact with the overlying Ironton Sandstone of the Franconian Stage. The Dresbachian formations thicken from northwest to southeast direction across the state, cross-bedding has a south-southwest direction of dip. The Mt. Simon is primarily a medium- to coarse grained, moderately sorted, thick bedded orthoquartzitic sandstone with some feldspathic sandstone and shale laminae. The Eau Claire contains fine-grained, well-sorted, thin bedded orthoquartzites, arkoses, and quartzose arkoses, and laminated shales. The formation is very fossiliferous and glauconitic. The Galesville consists of medium-grained, well-sorted, thick bedded orthoquartzitic and feldspathic-quartzose sandstones. Petrology of the three formations is simple. The mineralogy is dominated by quartz with secondary feldspars. Mic, clay matrix, carbonate, pyrite, and feldspar cement, glauconite, and fossils are accessory components. Heavy minerals include zircon (dominant in most samples), tourmaline, garnet, rutile, apatite, and opaques, and are well-rounded for the most part. Fossils include trilobites, brachiopods, mollusca, and worm burrows. The Mt. Simon Sandstone, on the basis of lithology, grain size and sorting, bedding and cross-bedding, is a nearshore, highly turbulent, shallow water deposit. The Eau Claire Formation, on the basis of lithology, grain size and sorting, bedding and cross-bedding, and fossils and glauconite, is probably an offshore shelf deposit of quiet, relatively deep water. Characteristics, however, also resemble tidal flat deposits, which the formation may be in part. The Galesville Sandstone, on the basis of lithology, grain size and sorting, bedding and cross-bedding, is a nearshore deposit of turbulent, shallow waters.Item (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm on Random Planted Vertex Cover Problems(2024-03) Kearney, JackEvolutionary Algorithms are powerful optimization tools that use the power of randomness and inspiration from biology to achieve results. A common combinatorial optimization problem is the recovery of a minimum vertex cover on some graph 𝐺 = (𝑉, 𝐸). In this work, an evolutionary algorithm will be employed on specific instances of the minimum vertex cover problem containing a random planted solution. This situation is common in data networks and translates to a core set of nodes and larger fringe set that are connected to the core. This study introduces a parameterized analysis of a standard (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm applied to the random planted distribution of vertex cover problems. When the planted cover is at most logarithmic, restarting the (1+1) EA every 𝑂(𝑛 log 𝑛) steps will, within polynomial time, yield a cover at least as small as the planted cover for sufficiently dense random graphs (𝑝 > 0.71). For superlogarithmic planted covers, the (1+1) EA is proven to find a solution within fixed-parameter tractable time in expectation. To complement these theoretical investigations, a series of computational experiments were conducted, highlighting the intricate interplay between planted cover size, graph density, and runtime. A critical range of edge probability was also investigated.Item Impact of Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa Program on Young Adult Participants’ Social and Emotional Learning(2018-11-15) Bray, RosemarySocial and emotional learning (SEL) has gained a lot of attention since the late 1990s as researchers are deeming it as a fundamental skill set for youth to develop in order to transition successfully into their adult lives. However, incorporation of SEL in school curricula is inconsistent due to other responsibilities that demand teachers’ and professors’ attention. Non-formal out-of-school time programs are conducive environments for incorporating SEL practice in the lives of our youth and young adults. This study explored the impact of a young adult program, Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa (CCMI), on participants’ social and emotional learning. This impact was measured by distributing a retrospective pre-posttest Social and Emotional Learning Questionnaire (SELQ) to 26 young adult CCMI program participants at the end of their service term. Both the quantitative and qualitative findings showed growth in all five core competencies of social emotional learning. These findings suggest that social and emotional growth can be a measured outcome of environmental service learning programs, which can improve the quality of the program, can increase recruitment and funding opportunities, and can better prepare the program participants for successful adult lives.Item The Impact of Identity Salience on Self-Reported Internalized Stigma among U.S. Sex Workers(2023-05) Gardner, Jacinda JSex work is accompanied by a variety of negative consequences, one of which is the internalization of stigma. Although a small number of studies have assessed internalized stigma experienced by sex workers, fewer have assessed potential moderators between experienced stigma and internalized stigma. In fact, identity salience, the extent to which one identifies as a sex worker, has been entirely overlooked. Thus, the current study assessed the potential moderating role of identity salience as it related to experienced and internalized stigma. One hundred and sixty-five sex workers were recruited via the r/Ask_SexWorkers subreddit to participate and each were compensated with a $25 Amazon Gift Card. Each were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: a condition meant to prime for a sex worker identity, another meant to prime for a family role identity, and a control condition. Participants then completed an internalized sex work stigma scale, an experienced sex work stigma scale, an identity salience scale, and a demographics questionnaire. The results revealed that there was no difference in rates of internalized stigma based on assigned prime, suggesting that the prime was ineffective. However, there was a positive correlation between experienced stigma and internalized stigma. Additionally, identity salience moderated this relationship between experienced and internalized stigma; in particular, the relationship was significant for those identifying strongly as a sex worker but not for those identifying less strongly. Future research should attempt to replicate with a revised prime.Item Novice Rock Climbers’ Perception of Movement Skill Transfer from Indoor Climbing Walls to Outdoor Natural Rock Faces(2023-08-29) Kramer, Lucas MStemming from a problem experienced by rock climbing instructors who regularly facilitate the “gym to crag” transition, this study sought to investigate novice climbers’ perceptions of movement skills transfer from indoor climbing walls to outdoor rock faces. This study sought to determine if transfer of skill exist and, if so, to what extent. A self-evaluation instrument and a pre- and post-questionnaire were used to gather both quantitative and qualitative data which was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s r and Cohen’s d where appropriate. Providing context and reference, two professional climbing instructors evaluated videos of each climber’s performance utilizing the same evaluative instrument. While some climbing movement skill does transfer from indoor climbing walls to outdoor rock faces, transfer diminishes the more specific the application learned skills become. Visual and physical exploration and the unique qualities of hand/foot holds found outdoors, relative to indoors, provided the most challenges to participants. Diverse experiences can help to improve this transfer. One outdoor climb impacts a climber’s perception of their own skill, thus impacting the extent of skills transfer. Climbing instructors should consider utilizing various tools to help better facilitate movement skills transfer for the “gym to crag” transition. Low light or blindfolds may help to teach or encourage physical exploration. Minor adjustments to climbing routes over time can diversify a climber’s experience. Utilizing existing evaluation instruments can help to further facilitate skills transfer to enhance desirable climbing movement.Item A Review of Classical and Quantum Optical Trapping of Neutral Particles(2023-08-20) Franco, Jonathan WThe purpose of this report is to briefly explore the forces behind optical trapping of dielectric spheres and neutral particles. For this report, we will be examining two regimes. First, we consider larger dielectric particles classically, and then move briefly into individual atoms quantum mechanically.Item Reactions Toward Anonymized Reviews in Selection(2023) Banuelos, SebastianRace, gender, and age biases are prevalent when decision-making processes in the workplace are subjective and lack job-relevant criteria. Decision-maker reactions can influence decision quality, willingness to support, confidence in, and preference to use selection tools. The anonymized review (AR) is a hiring process that minimizes bias in selection by redacting identifying information (e.g., name, age, gender) from applicant materials (e.g., applications, resumes, etc.). This study was a two-part investigation that examined decision-maker reactions toward ARs. Justification for using ARs was expected to positively influence decision-maker reactions toward ARs. Additionally, diversity attitudes were expected to have a moderating effect on the relationship between justification and decision-maker reactions. Results from Study 1 showed insignificant main effects for ARs and justification. Study 1 results also showed that individuals with low diversity attitudes will react negatively to ARs when justification is not provided. Lastly, qualitative responses from Study 2 revealed perceptions of accuracy and practicality toward ARs as significant themes. Practical implications of the study are discussed and recommendations provided.Item Antidepressant Effects of TRH Analogue EEP in Female and Male Rats Assessed with the Forced Swim Test and BDNF Assay(2023-05) Schulz, Emily NThe endogenous peptide pGLU-GLU-PRO-NH2 (EEP) has antidepressant effects in male rats demonstrated by decreased immobility in the forced swim test (FST). EEP is a chemical analog of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), which has short-term antidepressant effects by intrathecal administration in humans. In people with depression, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is decreased in the hippocampus and frontal cortex which leads to decreased volume in both. When people are successfully treated for depression, irrespective of the treatment type, BDNF and volume increase in the hippocampus and frontal cortex, which can indicate recovery. Sex differences are present in the occurrence and symptoms of depression; however, female animals are not always represented in depression research. Female sex hormones are thought to be a reason for sex differences related to depression, and BDNF is known to fluctuate over the estrous cycle of female rats. This study sought to determine if the antidepressant effects of EEP are related to BDNF levels in rats. This study found no significant effects with the forced swim test (FST) and immobility but had a large effect size. A minor sex difference was present in the FST (p = 0.03). Rats that received EEP were not found to have significantly increased levels of BDNF in the hippocampus and frontal cortex, but the results had a large effect size with the frontal cortex. No sex difference was found with BDNF concentrations. Results related to the estrous cycle were insignificant and considered exploratory. The results suggest that continued testing of EEP is needed to gain a greater understanding.