MInneTESOL Journal, Volume 01-12 (1981-1994)
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MinneTESOL Journal is the annual publication of a professional association of teachers of English as a Second Language in Minnesota and neighboring states dedicated to the education and support of students acquiring English at all levels of public and private education.
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Recent Submissions
Item Volume 12, 1994(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1994)Contents: ARTICLES: "Images of American Indians in an ESL FilmClass: Teaching Content from Dances with Wolves" by Russell Arent; "The Effects of Training on WrittenSpeech Act Behavior: Stating and Changing An Opinion" by Andrew D. Cohen and Elaine Tarone; "Hmong Gangs: Preventing Lost Youth" by Shelly M. Bertrand and Lisa MB Simons; "Achievment Tests as Predictors of Subsequent High School Performance for LEP Students" by Judith Strohl; WORK IN PROGRESS: "Memrory link Vocabulary Flashcards: The 90s Version of an Old Standby" by Merce Lopez i Agusti and Susan J. Weaver; STUDENTS' WORK: My Family; My Brother; REVIEWS: "'Guidelines: A Cross-Cultural Reading/Writing Text' by Ruth Spack" Reviewed by Wendy Desmonde; "'A Writer's Workbook: An Interactive Writing Text for ESL Students' by Trudy Smoke" Reviewed by Wendy DesmondeItem Volume 11, 1993(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1993)Contents: ARTICLES: "The Role of Art in Language Learning" by Catriona R. Moore, Judith A. Koller, and Maria Kreie Arago; "Confucian Orthodoxy Meets ESL: Teaching Across Academic Cultures" by Patrick J. Dunham and James H. Robinson; "Perceptual Learning Style Preferences of Second Language Students" by Patricia A. Eliason; "Friday Prayer: Describing a Process in Arabic and English Writing" by Salah Ayari and Elaine Tarone; "Comparing Perspectives on ESL Education: A Case Study of Pine Tree School" by Karen E. Duke; "Mainstreaming LEP Students: The Case of the Hmong" by Jeff Dufresne; "Breaking Barriers: Three Hmong Women's Perspectives on Attaining Higher Education in the U.S." Diane M. Rubright; STUDENTS' WORK: Stories of th.e Homeland; Stories of Immigration; Stories of Life in the U.S.A; REVIEW: "'The Multicultural Classroom: Readings for Content Area Teachers' Patricia A. Richard,Amato and Marguerite A. Snow, Eds." Reviewed by Lisa BoehlkeItem Volume 10, 1992(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1992)Contents: ARTICLES: "Who's Missing From This Picture? National Educational Reform Efforts and Language Minority Students" by Constance L. Walker & Pamela McCollum; "Pull,In Programs-A New Trend in ESL Education?" by Ann Sax Mabbot & Judith Strohl; "Our Town: Drama as Curriculum" by Molly McGowan-Rink; "A Literature Course for the ESL Classroom" by Jeff Partridge; "Children of Abya,Yala: EFL Students Consider the Quincentennial of Columbus' Arrival" by Donald F. Hones; "Developing Oral Communication Skills Through Cassette Journals" by Jane Petring; "Using Compliments in the ESL Classroom: An Analysis of Culture and Gender" by Patrick Dunham; "The Importance of a Good Kibun in the ESL Classroom" by James H. Robinson & Alex Fisher; "Test-Taking Strategies on ESL Language Tests" by Andrew D. Cohen; WORK IN PROGRESS: "Teachers' Refonnulations of ESL Students' Responses" by Jim Dobson; "Acculturation, Ethnicity, and Second Language Acquisition: A Study of Hmong Students at the Post,Secondary Level" by Susan Bosher; STUDENTS' WORK: Poetry by students from Metcalf Junior High in Burnsville, Minnesota and Essays by students who were first place in the MinneTESOL sponsored writing contest. REVIEWS: "'What's in a Word? Reading and Vocabulary Building' by Samuela Eckstut and Karen Sorensen" Reviewed by Caren Hohenstein Abdelaal; "'Culture Shock U.S.A.' by Esther Wanning" Reviewed by Deniz GokcoraItem Volume 9, 1991(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1991)CONTENTS: ARTICLES: "Film as a Teaching Medium" by Diane F. Johnson; "Culture Day: Emotional Support for ESL Students" by Marge Kaplan; "Southeast Asian Literature for the ESL Classroom" by Carol Quest; "Your Textbook is in the Library- Or You Could Make Your Own" by Robyn Peterson; WORK IN PROGRESS: "Recall Protocols and L2 Reading Research" by Thomas A. Upton; STUDENTS' WORK: Poetry by students from Willow Creek junior High in Rochester, Minnesota and Illustrated Essays by students from Harding High School in St. Paul, Minnesota; REVIEWS: "'Second Language Teacher Education' by Jack C. Richards and David Nunan, Eds." Reviewed by Doris Heisig' "'Breaking the Language Barrier: Creating Your Own Pathway to Success' by H. Douglas Brown" Reviewed by Ellen MarnerItem Volume 8, 1990(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1990)ARTICLES: "'Back to Basics:' Literacy for Second Language Learners in the Public Schools" by Elaine Tarone; "Geodes Like Sky Blue Popsicles: Developing Authorship Literacy in Limited English Proficient Students" Lisa Boehlke & Mary Kay Rummel; THE ESL TEACHER AS RESEARCHER: Introduction to section by Helen Jorstad; "Finding a Voice: Secondary Students Write Their Stories" Lindsey Allen; "Citizenship Education: The Three S's-Self, School, and State" (Excerpts) by Michael J. Mullins; "Schemata, Strategies, and Social Construction: Some Implications for Second Language Pedagogy" by Paul Prior; "Some Effects of Culture in the ESL Classroom and their Implications for Teaching" by Laura Buchanan; "The Role of Error Correction in the Process-Oriented ESL Composition Classroom" by Susan Bosher; POETRY: "To All the People Who Make the Circle" by Amy Egenberger; "Explaining Miracles" by Jennifer Jesseph; REVIEWS: "Teaching and Learning Vocabulary" Reviewed by Adele Hansen; "When They Don't All Speak English: Integrating the ESL Student into the Regular Classroom" Reviewed by Betty Leone; THE FORUM: "Comments on "Chinese students, American universities and cultural confrontation" by Kristine TorkelsonItem Volume 7, 1987-1989(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1987)CONTENTS: "Chinese students, American universities and cultural confrontation" by Thomas A. Upton; "Why aren't Third-World scholars going home? Focus on adjustments in China's overseas policies" by Lynne Ackerberg; "Teacher-executed needs assessment: Some suggestions for teachers and program administrators" by Elaine Tarone; "Toward collaboration as a viaduct for student/teacher interaction" by Irene K. Prendergast; "Fossilization and learning strategies in second language acquisition" by William R. SimsItem Volume 6, 1986-1987(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1986)Contents: "A Word Is Worth a Thousand Pictures: A Writing Project for the Primary Grades" by Vivian Mann; "Teaching Paraphrasing to ESt Students" by Patricia M. Odean; "Self-Monitoring of Articles and Verbs in ESL Written Production" by Barbara Schwarte and Emiko Matsumura-Lothrop; "Choosing Helpful Examples of Structures" Eric S. NelsonItem Volume 5, Fall 1985(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1985)Table of Contents: "Preparing LEP Students for On-the-job Training" by Catherine Robinson; "Clinically Speaking: ESP for Refugee Nursing Students" by John Marston and Adele G. Hansen; "Modifying an ESP Course Syllabus and Materials Through a Teacher-planned Needs Assessment" by Karen Sorensen; "Using a Sensitive Topic in Teaching Lecture Comprehension" by Colleen Meyers and Diane ErdmannItem Volume 4, Fall 1984(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1984)Table of Contents: ARTICLES "Montessori Language Lessons: The Almost Silent Way" by Ann Eljenholm Nichols; "The Excommunicative Approach (and how to avoid it)" by George Yule; "Some Neglected Vocabulary Needs of ESL Students" by Tom Richards; "The Doughnut that Fell into the Dishwater: Thoughts about Teaching Relative Clauses and other Structures" by Eric Nelson; REVIEW "'Understanding Academic Lectures' by Abelle Mason" Reviewed by Susan GilletteItem Volume 3, Fall 1983(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1983)Table of Contents: "Current Events for ESL Students: A Course Description for the Teacher" by Terry L. Fredrickson; "Cultivating the Cabbages: An ESP Program for Refugees" by Adele G. Hansen; "Hmong Bilinguals: How did They Learn English?" by Lois Malcolm; "Facilitating Teacher Growth: An Approach to Training and Evaluation" by Nancy Stenson, Jan Smith, and William Perry; "An Evaluation of a Training Course For Foreign Teaching Assistants: A Case Study Approach" Mark Landa and William PerryItem Volume 2, Fall 1982(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1982)Table of Contents: "What do we know about the Way a Child Acquires a Second Language?" by Elaine Tarone; "Hmong Refugees in an American City: A Case Study in Language Contact" by Bruce T. Downing and Sharon Dwyer; "Designing an ESL Program for the Preliterate Adult: An Account of One Program's Development" by Ellen Vaut; "A Selected Bibliography of Work in Discourse Analysis and English as a Second Language" by Jeanette K. GundelItem Volume 1, Fall 1981(Minnesota Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1981)Table of Contents: "Being with Students: Some Good Advice for Teachers" by Joan Hildenbrand; "Current Events for Advanced Conversation" by Leisa C. Huddleston; "Cultural Test Bias: How does it Relate to the LEP Student?" by Marge Kaplan; "Listening Comprehension in the Oral Tradition" by Lise Lunge-Larsen; "You have to Reach 'em to Teach 'em: The Beginnings of a Bibliography in ESL for Children" by Pat Wilcox Peterson.