Community Based Research (CBR): Northside Seed Grant Reports

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    Northside Food Project Evaluation
    (2008) Fathman, Carrie Ann; The Northside Food Project
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    Remix Evaluation: How Do We Know That We Are Succeeding?
    (2008) Fathman, Carrie Ann; Juxtaposition Arts
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    Lucy Laney and the University of Minnesota Summer Reading Research Project
    (2008) Cherne, Jessica; Lucey Craft Laney Community School
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    "Because I Live Here": Negotiating Selves through Storytelling
    (2008) Dockter, Jessica; Black Storytellers Alliance
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    Bridging Social Capital: Responsive Listening Project
    (2008) Anthony, Summer; Harrison Neighborhood Association
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    Closing the Gap: Enhancing Technology Programming for Youth in North Minneapolis
    (2009) Dixon, Brice; VeLure Roholt, Ross; Alternatives Inc.
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    Collegiate Achievers at the University YMCA
    (2009) Purdy, Eleanor; University YMCA
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    Program Impact Assessment
    (2009) Hewapathirana, Gertrude; Phyllis Wheatley Community Center
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    Foreclosure Prevention
    (2009) Wipperfurth, Adam; Hawthorne Neighborhood Council
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    An Evaluation of Build Wealth Minnesota's Family Stabilization Plan
    (2011) Bowie, Haden; Build Wealth Minnesota
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    The Northside Healthy Eating Project: Transportation Access to Affordable Health Produce
    (2011) Swingley, Sarah; NorthPoint Health and Wellness Center
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    North Minneapolis LAC Business Start-Up and Growth Guide
    (2012) Cici, Kristen
    Today, the Lao Assistance Center of Minnesota (LACM) touches the lives of hundreds of Lao-Americans in Minnesota each year. LACM was formed by ethnic Lao refugees in 1981 and attained its nonprofit charitable status in 1983. It was founded to respond to the emerging needs of new arriving Lao refugees who were not Hmong. LACM’s diverse programs range from youth advancement and elder empowerment, to employment, health outreach prevention and intervention, and cultural engagement. LACM partnering with the Asian Economic Development Association (AEDA), seeks to better serve the Lao business community by examining the capacity of business resources to serve the Lao community. This project specifically looked at resources, both monetary and non-monetary, that serve businesses that aim to start-up or grow in North Minneapolis. These resources ranged from grants and loans to technical assistance and training. Research and interviews with fourteen monetary and/or non-monetary resources for businesses led to the discovery that none have their information and program materials available in Lao and only one organization had materials available in languages other than English. None of the organizations indicated they had a set protocol in place for dealing with individuals that speak Lao or Hmong. Two organizations suggested that individuals interested in starting a business should be able to speak English because it is our “official language” and they will be dealing with American suppliers, manufacturers, and clients. Although several did indicate they would (or had in the past) contacted a translator to assist the individual. Only one of the fourteen organizations mentioned using an ethnic media outlet, and that organization indicated the marketing they did was tabling and working with the Asian Chamber of Commerce. Three organizations solely provided monetary support, three organizations provided only non-monetary support, and eight provided both monetary and non-monetary support. Several organizations indicated they had partnerships with the City of Minneapolis to use their translators, but did not have the in-house capacity to serve those that did not speak English.
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    Promoting Economic Development in North Minneapolis through Land Use Policy
    (2012) Carr, Emily
    Inner-city neighborhoods have long suffered from economic isolation and disinvestment. North Minneapolis is no exception. While the population and the number of jobs available in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region has increased, North Minneapolis neighborhoods have lost jobs in industries like manufacturing, but have also experienced a decline in population. These changes suggest that North Minneapolis is not receiving direct benefits from regional growth and that its economic base is not well tied to the regional economy. Vacant storefronts and land, poverty, and unemployment further constrain economic development opportunities. In addition, recent zoning and land use changes have impacted economic development and business expansion opportunities. To address these challenges other policies and strategies are needed to ensure that economic and business development occurs. The goal of this project was to determine potential industries that would fit well to recruit to North Minneapolis. This analysis was based on existing conditions in North Minneapolis and the Minneapolis-St. Paul region, including demographic, economic, land use, and vacancy. Another goal of the project was to establish whether there are land use regulations that should be changed to further promote economic development and encourage business retention and expansion. To advance economic and industrial development in North Minneapolis, it is preferred to achieve mutual benefit between the local residents and regional industries. Ideally, the neighborhood residents would have greater access to growing industries and higher wage jobs while the firms would gain from the prime location and unmet demand. Firms within high-tech manufacturing, computer and electronic manufacturing, transportation support and educational services are prime for North Minneapolis. These industries are likely to experience employment growth; the region or neighborhood is specialized, or the Minneapolis-St. Paul region has a competitive advantage over other regions. The land use regulations in Minneapolis’ Industrial-Employment Districts are very similar to regulations other comparable cities have implemented. They are designed to preserve jobs and industrial land. However, the City can improve business loans and assistance, and identification of emerging industries that could potentially use the vacant space available. The two-floor requirement along West Broadway Avenue should be modified to provide more flexibility to developers.