IIC Projects and Reports
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Item Forest Survey Instructions 1934-1937: Work Plan for the Forest Survey in the Lake States(US Department of Agriculture, US Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, 1935) USDA Forest ServiceItem NPC Calculator Process County IIC(Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, 2015-06-30) Wilson, David C.This application is a product of the "Rapid Forest Ecosystem and Habitat Inventory by Imputation" project. This application uses forest inventory management (FIM) data combined with native plant community (NPC) observations and physiographic data to impute likely NPC class for inventoried stands.Item NPC Calculator(Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, 2015-06-30) Wilson, David C.;This application contains the interactive version of the Native Plant Community Calculator incorporating FIA, FIM, and NPC field data, along with physiographic information to impute likely NPC class for inventoried stands.Item Wildlife database for Minnesota species(2012) Frelich, Lee E.; Ek, Alan R.; Page, Kristen M.Item ZEO Yield and Mortality Model Application(2014) Zobel, John M.; Ek, Alan R.; O'Hara, Timothy J.Item FACCS Application(2014) Wilson, David C.; Domke, Grant M.; Ek, Alan R.