Program Quality Research

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Quality does matter and directly affects the development of youth. Our center is a leader in youth program quality assessment and improvement.

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    Quality Matters Toolkit: Reflection
    (University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development, 2007) University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development
    Activities that can be done with staff and young people for the Youth Program Quality Initiative.
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    Quality Matters Toolkit: Voice and Engagement
    (University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development, 2007) University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development
    Activities that can be done with staff and young people for the Youth Program Quality Initiative.
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    Utilizing Youth Participatory Evaluation for 4-H Program Improvement
    (University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development, 2016) Santl, Karyn
    Minnesota 4-H Youth Development staff facilitated a Youth Participatory Evaluation project of youth-adult teams in the northwest region. From the pilot project, we found that young people, when supported by adults, have a successful experience in evaluating programs that are personal to them. We also found that this work has potential to change the quality of clubs by deepening the engagement of adults and youth through evaluation work. We conclude that similar projects could serve as a gateway for inviting youth's voice and their meaningful engagement in 4-H clubs.
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    Quality Matters in Afterschool Programs
    (University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development, 2008) Moore, Deborah; Lochner, Ann
    A short brief about how youth who participate in high-quality afterschool programs have positive outcomes. Increasing the impact of afterschool programs means increasing program quality and youth engagement.
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    Preliminary findings from the Minnesota 4-H Quality Improvement Study
    (University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development, 2010) Moore, Deborah; Grant, Samantha; McLaughlin, Colleen; Walker, Kate; Shaffer, Brenda
    This preliminary report reviews a model currently being field tested using the YPQA tool and innovative data collection methodologies, which use 4-H youth and adult volunteers for assessing and improving youth program quality.
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    Building Your Programs 20 Minutes at a Time: Book 3
    (University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development, 2014) Stevenson, Anne; Harris Hering, Anita; Olson, Betsy
    This is the third book in a collection of tools for building reflection into learning settings. This “sequel” offers 28 new activities that will help users intentionally plan for enhancing program quality through reflection, participatory evaluation, engagement and leadership skill building. Research on youth program quality, brain-based learning, and social-emotional learning all point to the importance of reflection as essential to the learning process. This resource book will help you build skills for facilitating reflection with youth and adult groups through an experiential learning model. It offers a brief overview of experiential learning and youth program quality research, along with facilitator tips and additional resources.
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    Even More! Building Your Programs 20 Minutes at a Time: Leadership & Reflection Activities You Can Use - Book 2
    (University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development, 2011) Stevenson, Anne; Harris Hering, Anita; Skelly, Carol; Gilbertson, Anna; Moore, Anna
    This “sequel” offers 22 additional activities to use with groups. Research on youth program quality and brain-based learning give us scientific proof that time for reflection and the use of a variety of reflective techniques facilitate learning. This resource booklet will help you build skills for facilitating reflection with youth or adult groups. It offers a brief overview of experiential learning and youth program quality research, facilitator tips, and 22 short reflection tools to help create quality experiential learning.
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    Building Your Programs 20 Minutes at a Time: Leadership & Reflection Activities You Can Use
    (University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development, 2010) Stevenson, Anne; Harris Hering, Anita; Piehl, Barb; Skelly, Carol
    Research on youth program quality and brain-based learning give us scientific proof that time for reflection and the use of a variety of reflective techniques facilitate learning. This resource booklet will help you build skills for facilitating reflection and building leadership skills with youth or adult groups. It offers a brief overview of experiential learning and youth program quality research, facilitator tips, and 27 short activities to help create quality experiential learning.