JTLU Volume 10, No. 1 (2017)
Persistent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11299/187702
Note: Starting in 2017, the Journal of Transport and Land Use will release articles as they are published. They will no longer be published in three separate issues.
Table of Contents:
Car drivers’ characteristics and the maximum walking distance between parking facility and final destination, pp. 1-11
On-street parking search: A UK local authority perspective, pp. 13-26
Bundled parking and vehicle ownership: Evidence from the American Housing Survey, pp. 27-55
Work schedule flexibility and parking preferences, pp. 57-75
Taking advantage of a historic opportunity? A critical review of the literature on TOD in China, pp. 77-92
Performance measures for public transport accessibility: Learning from international practice, pp. 93-118
Exploring property value effects of ferry terminals: Evidence from Brisbane, Australia, pp. 119-137
Defining critical success factors in TOD implementation using rough set analysis, pp. 139-154
Framework for land value capture from investments in transit in car-dependent cities, pp. 155-185
Does telework weaken urban structure–travel relationships?, pp. 187-210
Constraints in household relocation: Modeling land-use/transport interactions that respect time and monetary budgets. pp. 211-228
Non-linear influences of the built environment on transportation emissions: Focusing on densities, pp. 229-240
The impact of walkable environment on single-family residential property values, pp. 241-261
The effect of the Dubai Metro on the value of residential and commercial properties, pp. 263-290
Do people’s perceptions of neighborhood bikeability match "reality"?, pp. 291-308
A portrait of accessibility change for four US metropolitan areas, pp. 309-336
A model of the rise and fall of roads, pp. 337-356
The aerotropolis: Urban sustainability perspectives from the regional city, pp. 357-373
Automatic street widening: Evidence from a highway dedication law, pp. 375-393
Accessibility and the evaluation of investments on the Beijing subway, pp. 395-408
Coping with interrelatedness and fragmentation at the infrastructure/land-use interface: The potential merits of a design approach, pp. 409-435
Synergistic neighborhood relationships with travel behavior: An analysis of travel in 30,000 US neighborhoods, pp. 437-461
Feedback and the use of land for parking, pp. 463-476
How do socio-demographics and built environment affect individual accessibility based on activity space? Evidence from Greater Cleveland, Ohio, pp. 477-503
The Propensity to Cycle Tool: An open source online system for sustainable transport planning, pp. 505-528
Identifying transit deserts in major Texas cities where the supplies missed the demands, pp. 539-540
The effect of light rail transit on land-use development in a city without zoning, pp. 541-556
The freight landscape: Convergence and divergence in urban freight distribution, pp. 557-572
Using trip chaining and joint travel as mediating variables to explore the relationships among travel behavior, socio-demographics, and urban form, pp. 573-588
Multi-dimensional geometric complexity in urban transportation systems, pp. 589-625
Prudential measures in housing access: Should one include transport costs in the front-end ratio?, pp. 627-654
Built environment determinants of bicycle volume: A longitudinal analysis, pp. 655-674
Analyzing spatiotemporal congestion pattern on urban roads based on taxi GPS data, pp. 675-694
Proximity to four bikeway types and neighborhood-level cycling mode share of male and female commuters, pp. 695-713
Pipeline right-of-way encroachment in Arepo, Nigeria, pp. 715-724
Open for business? Effects of Los Angeles Metro Rail construction on adjacent businesses, pp. 725-742
Transit-oriented development in China: Literature review and evaluation of TOD potential across 50 Chinese cities, pp. 743-762
Built environment and travel behavior: Validation and application of a continuous-treatment propensity score stratification method, pp. 763-788
Photos, tweets, and trails: Are social media proxies for urban trail use?, pp. 789-804
WSTLUR 17 Special Section: Active Travel: Scofflaw bicycling: Illegal but rational, pp. 805-836
WSTLUR 17 Special Section: Active Travel: Comparing importance-performance analysis and three-factor theory in assessing rider satisfaction with transit, pp. 837-854
WSTLUR 17 Special Section: Equity: Does where you live affect how much you spend on transit? The link between urban form and household transit expenditures in Mexico City, pp. 855-878
WSTLUR 17 Special Section: Active Travel: Transit accessibility, land development and socioeconomic priority: A typology of planned station catchment areas in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, pp. 879-902
WSTLUR 17 Special Section: Active Travel: A tale of two millennials, pp. 903-910
WSTLUR 17 Special Section: Equity: Spatial accessibility of public transport in Australian cities: Does it relieve or entrench social and economic inequality?, pp. 911-930
Cruising for parking: New empirical evidence and influential factors on cruising time, pp. 931-943
Which D's are the important ones? The effects of regional location and density on driving distance in Oslo and Stavanger, pp. 945-964
Impact of traffic zones on mobility behavior in Tehran, Iran, pp. 965-982
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