Master of Environmental Education Plan B Project Papers and Master of Education; Environmental Education Concentration Theses

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This collection contains the final works produced by master's degree students in the Master of Environmental Education graduate program or in the Master of Education; Environmental Education Concentration graduate program as part of their requirements to graduate.

Please note: The Master of Education; Environmental Education Concentration graduate program transitioned into the Master of Environmental Education (MEEd) graduate program in late 2011. Students in the program at the time were given the option to either continue in their original program or switch to the MEEd program.

In the Master of Education; Environmental Education Concentration program, final works were generally called "theses," although they were not technically theses according to the standards of the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota Duluth. In the new MEEd program, final works were called "Plan Bs," or "research-based projects," which fits with the official Graduate School terminology. Thus while some items in this collection call themselves "theses," they are not part of a Plan A (thesis) graduate program.

To see papers for specific graduate degrees, click the links below:
