RV Atlantis 2019 Ship Data

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RV Atlantis 2019 Ship Data

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Walter, Hannah, J.




Ocean waves cause oscillatory motion of ships. Oscillatory ship motion typically is greater in roll (i.e., the ship rolling from side to side) than in pitch (i.e., tipping from front to back). Affordances for walking on a ship at sea should be differentially influenced by ship motion in roll and pitch. When roll exceeds pitch, the maximum walkable distance within a defined path should be greater when walking along the ship’s short, or athwart axis than when walking along its long, or fore-aft axis. When pitch exceeds roll, this relation should be reversed. We asked whether such changes in ship motion would be reflected in judgments of direction-specific affordances for walking. Participants (experienced maritime crewmembers) judged how far they could walk along a narrow path on the ship deck. On different days, sailing conditions were such that the relative magnitude of pitch and roll was reversed. Judgments of direction-specific affordances for walking mirrored these changes in ship motion. The accuracy of judgments was consistent across directions, and across changes in ship motion. We conclude that experienced maritime crewmembers were sensitive to dynamic variations in affordances for walking that were, themselves, a function of dynamic properties of the animal-environment system.


1. File List A. Filename: RV Atlantis_APAL2017_DATA Short description: Dataset of all collected data during the experiment. Includes calculations of performance, judgments, and accuracy. B. Filename: June 16th Ship Motion Data Short description: Zipped folder of hourly data for the labeled date. Each file is raw data collected directly from the bridge of the R/V Atlantis. C. Filename: June 25th Ship Motion Data Short description: Zipped folder of hourly data for the labeled date. Each file is raw data collected directly from the bridge of the R/V Atlantis.

Referenced by

Adaptive perception of changes in affordances for walking on a ship at sea. Human Movement Science.

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Suggested citation

Walter, Hannah; Li, Ruixuan; Stoffregen, Thomas; Wagman, Jeffrey. (2019). RV Atlantis 2019 Ship Data. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM), https://doi.org/10.13020/1s80-qg61.

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