Instrument Make and Model: Phins S/N:PH-626 Calibration Date: N/A Installation: June 2011 DD: 20130506 RAW datafile: dsLog time stamp: MRU 2013/05/06 11:00:00.805 PHINS MRU Motion Reference Unit 2013/02/05 date in gmt 15:00:00.828 time in gmt PHINS data collected using SSSG Phins data $HEHDT,5.021,T*29 $PHTRO,1.72,M,0.34,T*4B $PHLIN,0.335,0.407,0.542*54 $PHSPD,0.016,0.309,0.001*51 $PHCMP,3956.11,N,2.01,N*7C $PHINF,20000000*77 HEHDT,x.xxxxx,T*hh is the true heading in degrees T is a fixed character = T hh $PHTRO,x.xx,a,y.yy,b*hh x.xx is the pitch in degrees a is M for bow up P for bow down y.yy is the roll in degrees b is B for port down T for port up hh is the checksum $PHLIN,,y.yyy,z.zzz*hh is the surge in meters (signed) 3 digits after the decimal point y.yyy is the sway in meters (signed) 3 digits after the decimal point z.zzz is the heave in meters (signed) 3 digits after the decimal point hh is the checksum $PHSPD,,y.yyy,z.zzz*hh is the surge speed in m/s (signed) 3 digits after the decimal point y.yyy is the sway speed in m/s (signed) 3 digits after the decimal point z.zzz is the heave speed in m/s (signed 3 digits after the decimal point hh is the checksum $PHCMP,LLll.ll,a,x.xx,N*hh LLll.ll is the latitude in degrees (two first L) and in minutes (four last l) a is N for Northern Hemisphere and S for Southern Hemisphere x.xx is the Horizontal speed in knots N is a fixed character = N hh is the checksum $PHINF,hhhhhhhh*hh hhhhhhhh is the hexadecimal value of INS see Table V.9 user status hh is the checksum ~