Roadway Safety Institute Annual Reports and Newsletters (2013-2019)

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This collection contains annual reports, newsletters, and fact sheets from the Roadway Safety Institute (RSI), a program led by CTS from 2013 to 2019. RSI was the Region 5 University Transportation Center (UTC) funded through federal transportation bill MAP-21. The region includes Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Driven by the goal of preventing crashes to reduce fatalities and life-changing injuries, RSI’s activities focused on user-centered transportation safety systems.

Note: Research reports produced by the Roadway Safety Institute are available in the Research Reports collection.

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Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 18 of 18
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Spring 2019, vol. 6, no. 1)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2019) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Research explores ways to improve GPS accuracy for traffic safety applications; Better prediction of train arrival times promises safety benefits; Transporting crash modification factors to a future with automated vehicles; Sensor technology key to automated vehicles; Sleep apnea study honored with research partnership award; Institute awards Student of the Year
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    Roadway Safety Institute: Summary Report 2013-2019
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2019) Roadway Safety Institute
    This summary report highlights Roadway Safety Institute (RSI) research, education, and technology transfer activities from 2013 to 2019 and includes a summary of research projects. The focus at RSI has been to explore difficult road safety problems. Topics include driver-assist systems, pedestrian and bicycle safety, safety on tribal lands, connected and automated vehicles, safety policy, rail crossing safety, driver distraction, intersection safety, safety for design and operations, vulnerable users, work-zone safety, and wrong-way driving.
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Spring 2018, vol. 5, no. 1)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2018) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Designing in-vehicle systems for teens and older drivers; Truckers who disregard sleep apnea treatment show greater crash risk; System to provide data on risky work-zone incidents; Researchers funded for new roadway safety projects; Institute awards Student of the Year, other awards; RSI researchers highlight work at TRB; Advisory board rides autonomous shuttle; Institute work recognized in ITS MN achievement award
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Fall 2017, vol. 4, no. 2)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2017) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Research shows pedestrians and bicyclists benefit from "safety in numbers"; In-vehicle warnings show promise for improving work-zone safety; Investigating unintended effects of I-35W safety improvements; Summer camps spark students' interest in transportation; Infrastructure award to improve University's driving simulators; Morris named HumanFIRST Lab director; Seminar series moving to spring semester
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Spring 2017, vol. 4, no. 1)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2017) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Charting a path toward automated speed enforcement; New ‘hot-spot’ mapping to help combat impaired driving; Improving safety through partnerships with tribal communities; New exhibit teaches kids about reflectivity and safety; Research shared—and awarded—at TRB national conference; Institute selects Student of the Year, travel awards; Workshop shares ways to improve pedestrian safety, culture
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Fall 2016, vol. 3, no. 4)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2016) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Warning system aims to save lives in highway work zones; Creating rural road safety strategies that go beyond crash history; New model targets train derailments; RSI researchers receive NSF grant; Institute celebrates grand opening of museum exhibit; Researcher demos methods for safer crossings.
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Summer 2016, vol. 3, no. 3)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2016) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Research explores how road sign alternatives might affect driver safety; Institute teaches transportation concepts, safety to summer campers; Workshops highlight innovative applications of LIDAR; Researcher spotlight: Brian Davis; New videos highlight Institute work;
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Spring 2016, vol. 3, no. 2)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2016) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Study finds higher crash risk for truckers with untreated sleep apnea; Improving safety of two-lane roundabouts; Visit puts focus on distracted driving research; Researcher spotlight: Lee Munnich; Researcher spotlight: John Hourdos; Education efforts promote STEM to underrepresented groups; RSI researcher shares expertise on teen driving
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Winter 2016, vol. 3, no. 1)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2016) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Modeling for bike and ped traffic to improve planning, safety; Murphy named RSI Outstanding Student of the Year; Researcher spotlight: Frank Douma; Researcher spotlight: Ron Van Houten; Pedestrian workshop summary now available; RSI travel-award recipients participate at TRB; Exhibit teaches kids to be seen and be safe with reflectivity; Visit highlights crash record research; Regional UTCs join forces on research webinars;
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Fall 2015, vol. 2, no. 4)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2015) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Strategic safety plan sets direction for state efforts; Examining how drivers adapt to safety systems designed to help them; Helping people with visual impairment find their way; Researcher Spotlight: Daniel Work; Researcher Spotlight: Chen-Fu Liao; Seminars share perspectives on Institute research and beyond; Building skills and connections through internship; Institute presents at Tribes and Transportation Conference; Workshops highlight options for pedestrian safety
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Summer 2015, vol. 2, no. 3)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2015) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Showcase highlights transportation safety research; Collaborating with American Indian communities to learn about risks on tribal lands; Uncovering why policymakers support—or oppose—traffic safety countermeasures; Researcher Spotlight: Yanfeng Ouyang; Researcher Spotlight: Nichole Morris; Summer camps engage next generation of transportation workforce
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Spring 2015, vol. 2, no. 2)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2015) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Research explores collision-warning system for bike riders; Technology holds promise for safer freeway merging; Researcher Spotlight: Stephen Burks; Researcher Spotlight: Greg Lindsey; Institute reaches out to future engineers; Zitzow receives Outstanding Student of the Year; Focus group gives insight about kids and safe travel; New publications highlight Institute research at a glance
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Winter 2015, vol. 2, no. 1)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2015) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Improving work-zone safety with connected vehicles; Pinpointing crash ‘hot spots’ through mapping; Making crash data easier to collect—and more accurate; Researcher spotlight: M. Imran Hayee; Engaging pre-college students with hands-on learning; Students take part in TRB thanks to travel awards; Institute research in spotlight at traffic safety conference; RSI researcher appointed scholar-in-residence; Save the Date: Roadway Safety Showcase;
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Fall 2014, vol. 1, no. 3)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2014) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Predicting railroad crossing crashes; Research looks for new ways to prevent wrong-way driving crashes; Researcher spotlight: Ray Benekohal; Researcher spotlight: Kathy Quick; Institute researchers highlight safety work; Upcoming seminar: improving traffic safety with V2V communications
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Summer 2014, vol. 1, no. 2)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2014) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: Research aims to improve left-turn safety at intersections; Advancing pedestrian safety through countermeasures that work; Attracting students for the workforce of tomorrow; App for blind pedestrians featured in media; Researcher Spotlight: Gary Davis; Researcher Spotlight: Huagao Zhou and Albert Luo; Speakers and dates announced for seminar series
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    Roadway Safety Institute News (Spring 2014, vol. 1, no. 1)
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2014) Roadway Safety Institute (RSI)
    Articles include: New Roadway Safety Institute focuses on user-centered safety solutions for multiple modes; Study on automated speed enforcement to explore attitudes for and against it; Exploring why teen drivers take risks; Researcher Spotlight: William Schneider; Researcher Spotlight: Rajesh Rajamani; Seminar Series. NOTE: This is the inaugural issue of Roadway Safety Institute News.
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    Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Research
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2014) Roadway Safety Institute
    This fact sheet lists active projects affiliated with the Roadway Safety Institute that focus on bicycle and pedestrian safety.
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    Roadway Safety Institute: Human-Centered Solutions to Advance Roadway Safety 2013-2015
    (Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, 2016) Roadway Safety Institute
    This biennial report highlights research, education, and technology transfer activities by RSI from 2013 to 2015 and includes a summary of research projects.