Shane Nackerud

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    Library Data and Student Success
    (2013-05-20) Soria, Krista M.; Nackerud, Shane
    Academic libraries, like other university departments, are increasingly asked to demonstrate their value to institutions. This study presents the results of analyses predicting the relationships between library usage and first-year students’ retention, college experiences, and academic success at a large, public research university. Usage statistics were gathered across 13 different library access points and outcomes were derived institutionally (e.g., retention, grade point average) and aggregated through student surveys (e.g., academic engagement, scholarship activity). This presentation won AIRUM's "best of region" presentation.
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    Library Use and Undergraduate Student Outcomes: New Evidence for Students’ Retention and Academic Success
    (2013-01-24) Soria, Krista; Fransen, Jan; Nackerud, Shane
    Academic libraries, like other university departments, are being asked to demonstrate their value to the institution. This study discusses the impact library usage has on the retention and academic success of first-time, first year undergraduate students at a large, public research university. Usage statistics were gathered at the University of Minnesota during the Fall 2011 semester for thirteen library access points. Analysis of the data suggests first-time, first-year undergraduate students who use the library have a higher GPA for their first semester and higher retention from fall to spring than non-library users.
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    Analyzing Demographics: Assessing Library Use Across the Institution
    (2013-01-24) Nackerud, Shane; Fransen, Jan; Peterson, Kate; Mastel, Kristen
    In Fall 2011, staff at the University of Minnesota Libraries-Twin Cities undertook a project to measure how often, and in what ways, students used the Libraries' services. Partnering with the University's Office of Institutional Research, the team investigated ways to match library service usage to individual accounts while retaining patron privacy to determine who was – and was not – using the library. With complete data sets, the group was able to determine overall usage rates for undergraduate and graduate students and compare how students in different colleges used library services. This article discusses data gathering techniques, analysis, and initial findings.
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    Affinity Strings: Enterprise data for resource recommendations
    (Code4Lib Journal, 2008-12-15) Hanson, Cody; Nackerud, Shane; Jensen, Kristi
    'The University of Minnesota Libraries have created a MyLibrary portal, with databases and e-journals targeted to users, based on their affiliations. The University's enterprise authentication system provides an "affinity string", now used to personalize the MyLibrary portal. This affinity string automates discovery of a user's relationship to the University--describing a user’s academic department and degree program or position at the University. Affinity strings also provide the Libraries with an anonymized view of resource usage, allowing data collection that respects users' privacy and lays the groundwork for automated recommendation of relevant resources based on the practices and habits of their peers.'