Constitutional Commentary, Volume 16, Issue 3 (Winter 1999)
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Recent Submissions
Item Two Phone Calls(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Sunstein, Cass R.Item The Future of an Illusion: Reconstituting Planned Parenthood v. Casey(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Strossen, Nadine; Collins, Ronald K. L.Item The Remand that Made the Court Expand(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Stearns, Maxwell L.Item Plus Ça Change ... or If Hard Cases Make Bad Law, What Do Bad Cases Make?(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Sherry, SuzannaItem 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 175(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Segall, Eric J.Item Must Joe Robinson Die?: Reflections on the 'Success' of Court Packing(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Schapiro, Robert A.Item If the States Had Been Sovereign(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Rubin, Edward L.Item So Help Me God: Religion and Presidential Oath-Taking(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Pfander, James E.Item Justice Without Justices(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) McGinnis, John O.Item The School Prayer Decisions(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Marshall, William P.Item Farewell Madison Avenue(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Hamilton, Marci A.Item Would You, Could You, Change A Thing?(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Friedman, BarryItem The Trouble With Tarble's: An Excerpt from an Alternative Casebook(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Farber, Daniel A.Item The Variola Variation(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Dripps, DonaldItem Be Careful What You Wish For(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Dorf, Michael C.Item Midnight in the Courtroom of Good and Evil(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Chen, JimItem Terry v. Ohio in Hindsight: The Perils of Predicting the Past(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Bandes, SusanItem Clear and Present Dangers: The Importance of Ideas and the Bowels in the Cosmos(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Baker, Thomas E.Item The Myth of Superiority(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Rubenstein, William B.Item What the Wall Separates: A Debate on Thomas Jefferson's "Wall of Separation" Metaphor(University of Minnesota Law School, 1999) Dreisbach, Daniel L.; Whaley, John D.