Constitutional Commentary, Volume 22, Issue 2 (Summer 2005)
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Item Originalism, Precedent, and Candor(University of Minnesota Law School, 2005) Strauss, David A.Item The Intrinsically Corrupting Influence of Precedent(University of Minnesota Law School, 2005) Paulsen, Michael StokesItem Originalism, Stare Decisis and the Promotion of Judicial Restraint(University of Minnesota Law School, 2005) Merrill, Thomas W.Item Text, Precedent, and the Constitution: Some Originalist and Normative Arguments for Overruling Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey(University of Minnesota Law School, 2005) Calabresi, Steven G.Part of Symposium: "Can Originalism be Reconciled with Precedent? A Symposium on Stare Decisis"Item Let's Call The Whole Thing Off? Book review of: The American Constitution and the Debate over Originalism. By Dennis J. Goldford(University of Minnesota Law School, 2005) Whittington, Keith E.Book review: The American Constitution and the Debate over Originalism. By Dennis J. Goldford. Cambridge University Press, New York. 2005. Pp. xi, 305. Reviewed by: Keith E. WhittingtonItem Constitutional Contortion? Making Unfettered War Powers Compatible With Limited Government. Book review of: The Powers of War and Peace: The Constitution and Foreign Affairs After 9/11. By John Yoo(University of Minnesota Law School, 2005) Silverstein, GordonBook review: The Powers of War and Peace: The Constitution and Foreign Affairs After 9/11. By John Yoo. University of Chicago Press. 2005. xii + 366 pp. Reviewed by: Gordon SilversteinItem Trumping Precedent With Original Meaning: Not As Radical As It Sounds(University of Minnesota Law School, 2005) Barnett, Randy E.