Reports from the Research Laboratories of the Department of Psychiatry
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Item Ethanol as a Reinforcer for Rats under Conditions of Concurrent Access to Food and Water(University of Minnesota, 1978-12-01) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Beardsley, Patrick M.; Lemaire, Gregory A.; Meisch, Richard A.Item Technical Note; Integrated Drinking Device for Monkeys(University of Minnesota, 1978-11-01) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Gieske, DanItem Establishment of Orally Delivered Ethanol as a Positive Reinforcer for Rhesus Monkeys(University of Minnesota, 1977-12-27) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Henningfield, Jack E.; Meisch, Richard A.Item Etonitazene as a Reinforcer via the Oral Route for Rats: Effects of Etonitazene Concentration and Food Intake on Etonitazene-Reinforced Behavior(University of Minnesota, 1977-10-03) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Meisch, Richard A.; Stark, Linda J.Item Adventitious Taste Aversion Conditioning: Contaminant of Psychopharmacological Research(University of Minnesota, 1977-05-17) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Pohl, Richard W.Item "Detecting Latent Clinical Taxa, V: A Monte Carlo Study of the Maximum Covariance Method and Associated Consistency Tests"(University of Minnesota, 1973-12) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Golden, Robert R.; Meehl, Paul E.Item "Detecting Latent Clinical Taxa, IV: An Empirical Study of the Maximum Covariance Method and the Normal Minimum Chi-Square Method Using Three MMPI Keys to Identify the Sexes"(University of Minnesota, 1973-12) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Golden, Robert R.; Meehl, Paul E.Item Changes in Activity and Drug, Food, and Water Intake in 24Hr/Day d- and l- Amphetamine and Methylamphetamine Self-Administration by Rats(University of Minnesota, 1973-03-30) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Yokel, Robert A.; Pickens, RoyItem A Method for Chronic Intravenous Infusion of Fluids in Unrestrained Rats(University of Minnesota, 1972-06-23) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Pickens, Roy; Dougherty, J.Item An Experimental Approach Involving Conditioning Factors in Chronic Alcoholism(University of Minnesota, 1971-09) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Pickens, Roy; Bigelow, George; Griffiths, RolandItem Therapeutic Treatments for Sex Offenders(University of Minnesota, 1971-04-20) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Macindoe, IanItem Effects of Visual Reinforcement Duration and Fixed Ratio Schedules on Operant Behavior of Siamese Fighting Fish(University of Minnesota, 1968-09-10) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Grabowski, John G.; Thompson, T.Item "Detecting Latent Clinical Taxa, II: A Simplified Procedure, Some Additional Hitmax Cut Locators, A Single-Indicator Method, and Miscellaneous Theorems."(University of Minnesota, 1968-08-15) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Meehl, Paul E.Item "Conditioning Factors and Drug Dependence"(University of Minnesota, 1967) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Thompson, Travis; Pickens, RoyItem "A Device for Chronic Intravenous Injection of Drugs in Unrestrained Rats"(University of Minnesota, 1967-04-19) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Pickens, RoyItem "A Coefficient of Directional Correlation for Time Series Analyses"(University of Minnesota, 1966) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Strahan, Robert F.Item "Statistical Significance in Psychiatric Research"(University of Minnesota, 1966) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Lykken, David T.Item A Silver-Silver Chloride Electrode for Electrodermal Measurement(University of Minnesota, 1966-12-15) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Miller, Ralph DudleyItem Psychologists' Opinions as to the Effects of Holding Five of Ellis' "Irrational Ideas"(University of Minnesota, 1966-12-15) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Meehl, Paul E.Item A Computer Program for the Estimation of Genetic Parameters(University of Minnesota, 1966-11-15) University of Minnesota. Department of Psychiatry; Katzenmeyer, Conrad; Newel, Terry; Whitney, Glayde