Office of the Vice President for Research “Research Review”

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Research Review was first published by the Office of Sponsored Programs as the OSP Newsletter from 1971 to 1975. “The Office of Sponsored Programs was established as a result of the reorganization of the Graduate School Research Center’s Office of Sponsored Programs,” according to the introduction to the first issue in October 1971. The newsletter was intended to provide faculty and administrators with “timely information about federally and privately sponsored programs.”

The Office of Research Administration and the Research Development Center published the Newsletter from 1975 to 1988 because changes in the Office of Research Administration (formerly the Office of Sponsored Programs) necessitated the OSP Newsletter’s name change to the ORA-RDC Newsletter. The change was not a change in content, but a chance to “make clear that the Newsletter is now published jointly by the Office of Research Administration and the Research Development Center,” according to the January 31, 1975 issue.

The ORA-RDC Newsletter became Research Review in 1988 and was published by the Office of Research and Technology Transfer Administration. The July 1988 issue stated, “With this issue, ORTTA is presenting its revised newsletter: new title, new format. It is part of our continuing effort to bring sponsored program and technology transfer information to the University research community in the most timely and accessible format.” Research Review was most recently a publication of the Office of the Vice President for Research.

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