Data Curation Network Implementation Phase (2018-2021)
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Research and outputs from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant titled "Implementing the Data Curation Network" project that was led by the University of Minnesota Libraries with partners at Cornell University, Dryad Digital Repository, Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, Penn State University, University of Illinois, and the University of Michigan
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Item Checklist of CURATED Steps Performed by the Data Curation Network, v.1(Data Curation Network, 2018) Data Curation NetworkThe DCN developed a standardized set of C-U-R-A-T-E-D steps and checklists to ensure that all datasets submitted to the Network receive consistent treatment. The CURATE(D) Checklists were drafted in the planning phase of the project and further enhanced by members of the DCN at the First Annual All Hands Meeting in July, 2018. The most up to date version is available at: Data Curation Network Governance Model(2021-07-20)A key element of DCN’s Sustainability/Transition plan (Nov 2020) from a fully grant-supported initiative to a sustainable organization will be the adoption of a new governance model that will address current and future mission and values of the DCN. We designed the model with the understanding that it may need to be amended or altered as the DCN undergoes its transition into a membership based organization. The DCN Governance model will be reviewed on no less than an annual basis by the DCN Governance Board to ensure it accurately reflects and represents the culture, practices and needs of the DCN.Item Data Curation Network Sustainability and Transition Plan(2020-11-19)Starting in June 2018 the Data Curation Network (DCN) began a 3-year implementation grant from the Alfred P Sloan Foundation, and based at the University of Minnesota. A major milestone for this implementation phase grant was to “Transition to a sustainable economic model, indicated by resource commitments from existing partners and demand from non-partner institutions for curation-as-a-service.” This document details that transition. Our plan includes a scaled approach toward cost recovery via a tiered membership model supplemented with new grant opportunities. In building this transition plan, the DCN team performed market research, identified a fiscal home, drafted a governance model, and forecasted how the DCN might engage the broader data sharing community and stakeholders.Item Presentation slides for Testing Our Assumptions: Preliminary Results from the DCN(2020-10-07) Coburn, Liza; Johnston, LisaThe data from year one of the DCN pilot have verified key assumptions about our collaborative approach to data curation, and these results have raised additional questions about capacity, equitable use of network resources, and sustained growth that we hope to answer by the end of this implementation phase.Item Update on the Data Curation Network: RDAP 2021(2021-03-11) Petters, Jonathan; Marsolek, WandaBegun in 2016, the Data Curation Network is a network of US research data curators who pool their expertise to improve the reusability of datasets. In this lightning talk the recent and future activities of the Network will be discussed. The Network is soon ending its Sloan Foundation-funded phase and will be transitioning to a member-sustaining network. This transition and sustainability plan and how other research data curation services may participate in the Network in the future will be discussed. The Network’s newer initiative to address racial justice through its actions will be highlighted.Item Grants are Temporary but Data Stewardship is Not: Sustainability of the Data Curation Network(2021-03-15) Imker, Heidi; Johnston, Lisa RThe Data Curation Network and sustainability modeling are both topics that have generated significant interest in the information science community. We anticipate that attendees may have questions about either, and we welcome the opportunity to answer them directly. While our sustainability plan is relatively robust (URL provided below), there are also still details that we (the DCN leaders) have not entirely worked out (e.g. some details concerning the additional tiers of membership). This factors into our sustainability modeling, and we would appreciate the opportunity to hear reactions directly from attendees about what we are currently proposing.Item Data Curation Network End User Survey 2021(2021-09-28) Wright, Sarah; Johnston, Lisa; Marsolek, Wanda; Luong, Hoa; Braxton, Susan; Lafferty-Hess, Sophia; Herndon, Joel; Carlson, Jake;; Wright, Sarah; Data Curation NetworkThis dataset includes the processed dataset from the 2021 End User Survey performed by the Data Curation Network.Item Value of Curation Survey, January 2021(2021-08-30) Johnston, Lisa; Curty, Renata; Lafferty-Hess, Sophia; Hadley, Hannah; Petters, Jonathan; Luong, Hoa; Braxton, Susan; Carlson, Jake; Kozlowski, Wendy A;; Curty, Renata; Data Curation NetworkThis dataset includes the raw and augmented survey results from the January 2021 Value of Curation survey run by the Data Curation Network. Distributed to US data repository staff and directors via email listservs the survey received a total of 120 responses. 22 responses were for non-US repositories and three did not provide a repository of reference. A majority of the participants self-identified as staff members with 52 staff and 34 repository directors. The remaining were 5 unaffiliated users, and 4 unaffiliated depositors. A third of the responses (68) were associated with certified CoreTrustSeal repositories, and 27 responses were related to members of the Data Curation Network (DCN).Item Understanding the Value of Curation: Preliminary survey results of data curation practice and perception(2021-04-19) Curty, Renata; Johnston, Lisa R; Lafferty-Hess, Sophia; Hadley, Hannah; Luong, Hoa; Braxton, Susan; Petters, Jonathan; Carlson, Jake; Kozlowski, Wendy AnneItem Measuring the Value of Data Curation: Preliminary Results from the Data Curation Network(2019-04) Hadley, Hannah; Vitale, Cynthia; Johnston, Lisa R; Kozlowski, Wendy; Lafferty-Hess, Sophia; Hunt, Shanda; Luong, Hoa; Ge, LizhaoItem Assessing the Satisfaction and Engagement of DCN Curators(Data Curation Network, 2020-10-22) Coburn, LizaThe Data Curation Network collectively curates research data deposited to academic and non-profit data repositories. Curators participating in the DCN, who bring a wide variety of subject and file type expertise, are matched with datasets from across the network of (currently 12) partner repositories. After the first year of piloting the DCN’s shared curation service we determined that a key consideration for a cross-institutional collaboration is the satisfaction of those participating. We launched a brief, anonymous survey in May 2020 to gauge the satisfaction of DCN curators, their engagement with the DCN community, and assess their interest in continuing their participation beyond the current grant phase (May 2018 - June 2021). We received 19 responses from the 24 DCN curators invited to take the survey (79% response rate). This summary report presents our findings and discusses the work done over the subsequent months to address curator feedback and better engage our community members in the DCN going forward.Item The Data Curation Network: Extending the Research Data Toolkit(2020-06) Johnston, Lisa R; Coburn, Elizabeth; Kozlowski, Wendy; Hadley, HannahItem An Update on Data Curation Primers: Collaborative Resources for Data Curators(2020-03) Hudson Vitale, Cynthia; Hadley, Hannah; Herndon, Joel; Darragh, Jennifer; Lafferty-Hess, Sophia; Johnston, Lisa R; Hunt, Shanda; Blake, Mara; Fearon, Dave; Moore, Jennifer; Carlson, Jake; Borda, Susan; Kozlowski, WendyItem Facilitating Connections Through the Data Curation Network(2020-03) Coburn, Elizabeth; Marsolek, Wanda; Wilson, KatieItem Collective Curation: An update from the Data Curation Network(2020-02) Johnston, Lisa R; Blake, Mara; Hadley, HannahItem Data Curation Network Update for the Texas Digital Library(2019-12) Johnston, Lisa RItem Networked Expertise for Research Data(2019-12) Johnston, Lisa R; Vitale, Cynthia; McGeary, TimItem Update for the Canadian Data Curation Forum(2019-10) Johnston, Lisa R; Vitale, CynthiaItem Data Curation Primers: Expanding the community curation toolkit(2019-09) Johnston, Lisa R; Hudson-Vitale, Cynthia; Hadley, HannahItem Data Curation Network: leveraging expertise to curate data at scale(2019-05) Blake, Mara; Herndon, Joel