"Report" Newsletter (1973-1984)

Persistent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11299/154393

Described as a publication for faculty and staff of the University of Minnesota, Report was first published in September 1973. It was sent subscription-free to faculty and staff on all of the University campuses twice a month October through May and once a month June through September.

Report replaced University Report, and in its inaugural issue, Report was described as "bigger than University Report," and the editors hoped "it will be better - more informative, more appealing to the eye." The first issue also states, "It is hoped that Report will be a vehicle for two-way communication. If any of the articles inspire a response (or an argument), letters to the editor will be welcome and may be published. In addition, signed articles of opinion are invited from faculty and staff members."

Report was published from September 1973 to July 1984.

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  • Item
    Report, 1984
    (University of Minnesota, 1984) University of Minnesota. University Relations
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    Report, 1983
    (University of Minnesota, 1983) University of Minnesota. University Relations
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    Report, 1982
    (University of Minnesota, 1982) University of Minnesota. University Relations
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    Report, 1981
    (University of Minnesota, 1981) University of Minnesota. University Relations
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    Report, 1980
    (University of Minnesota, 1980) University of Minnesota. University Relations
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    Report, 1979
    (University of Minnesota, 1979) University of Minnesota. University Relations
  • Item
    Report, 1978
    (University of Minnesota, 1978) University of Minnesota. University Relations
  • Item
    Report, 1977
    (University of Minnesota, 1977) University of Minnesota. University Relations
  • Item
    Report, 1976
    (University of Minnesota, 1976) University of Minnesota. University Relations
  • Item
    Report, 1975
    (University of Minnesota, 1975) University of Minnesota. University Relations
  • Item
    Report, 1974
    (1974) University of Minnesota. University Relations
  • Item
    Report, 1973
    (University of Minnesota, 1973) University of Minnesota. University Relations