Senate Committee on Educational Policy (SCEP) Minutes
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The Educational Policy Committee is concerned with all matters that influence the quality of education at the University. It deals primarily with those affairs which affect educational policy and procedures on a University-wide basis.
This collection also includes minutes from the Classroom Advisory Subcommittee and the ROTC Subcommittee.
The Classroom Advisory Subcommittee is a standing joint subcommittee of the Educational Policy and the Finance and Planning Committees. The subcommittee is an advisory group for the Office of Classroom Management in the execution of its broad responsibilities as the single point of contact and responsibility for all classroom issues.
Under the general direction of the Educational Policy Committee, the University ROTC Subcommittee shall advise and make recommendations it deems appropriate to the committee and the University administration.
For a full committee charge, including duties and responsibilities, and the current membership, please visit the Committee on Educational Policy, Classroom Advisory Subcommittee, and ROTC Subcommittee websites.