Constitutional Commentary, Volume 03, Issue 2 (Summer 1986)
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Item The third death of Federalism?(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Farber, Daniel A.; Bryden, David P.Item Going for the jugular(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986)Includes full text of Justice Stevens' opinion in McLaughlin v. United States, 106 S.Ct. 1677 (1986).Item What we don't know about sex differences(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Adelson, JosephItem Constitutional commentary, Volume 03, Number 2, Table of Contents(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986)Item Farm foreclosure moratoria and the Contract Clause: an economic analysis(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986)Includes copy of Farm foreclosure moratoria: issues and options, prepared by the Financial Stress in Agriculture Discussion Group, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, December 1985.Item The Devil's Casebook(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Bryden, David P.Item Gresham's Law of Legal Scholarship(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Farber, Daniel A.Item Economic Make-Believe in the Supreme Court.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Powe, L.A., Jr.Item Federal Law In State Supreme Courts.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Meador, Daniel J.Item Black Civil Rights During the Eisenhower Years.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Garrow, David J.Item State Regulation and the Dormant Commerce Clause.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Farber, Daniel A.Item On The "Usefulness" Of Suspect Classifications.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Ellis, James W.Item Politics, the Constitution, and the New Formalism.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Bryden, David P.Item Book review: Distributive Justice: A Social- Psychological Perspective. By Morton Deutsch ; Equality in America: The View from the Top. By Sidney Verbat and Gary R. Orren.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Zuckert, CatherineBook review: Distributive Justice: A Social- Psychological Perspective. By Morton Deutsch. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. 1985. Pp. vii, 313 ; Equality in America: The View from the Top. By Sidney Verbat and Gary R. Orren. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1985. Pp. x, 334. Reviewed by: Catherine ZuckertItem Book review: A Theory of Rights: Persons Under Laws, Institutions, and Morals. By Carl Wellman.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Haag, Ernest van denBook review: A Theory of Rights: Persons Under Laws, Institutions, and Morals. By Carl Wellman. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman & Allanheld. 1985. Pp. 225. Reviewed by: Ernest van den Haag.Item Book review: How Does the Constitution Secure Rights? Edited by Robert A. Goldwin and William Schambra.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Umbanhowar, CharlesBook review: How Does the Constitution Secure Rights? Edited by Robert A. Goldwin and William Schambra. Washington: American Enterprise Institute. 1985. Pp. ix, 125. Reviewed by: Charles Umbanhowar.Item Book review: Out of Order: Affirmative Action and the Crisis of Doctrinaire Liberalism. By Nicholas Capaldi.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Taylor, Marylee C.Book review: Out of Order: Affirmative Action and the Crisis of Doctrinaire Liberalism. By Nicholas Capaldi. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books. 1985. Pp. X, 201. Reviewed by: Marylee C. Taylor.Item Book review: Constitutional Reform and Effective Government. By James L. Sundquist.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Sorauf, Frank J.Book review: Constitutional Reform and Effective Government. By James L. Sundquist. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution. 1986. Pp. x, 262. Reviewed by: Frank Sorauf.Item Book review: Democratic Theories and the Constitution. By Martin Edelman.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Pulliam, Mark S.Book review: Democratic Theories and the Constitution. By Martin Edelman. Albany: State University of New York Press. 1984. Pp. 399. Reviewed by: Mark S. Pulliam.Item Book review: Social Research in the Judicial Process: Cases, Readings, and Text. By Wallace D. Loh.(University of Minnesota Law School, 1986) Nelson, Robert L.Book review: Social Research in the Judicial Process: Cases, Readings, and Text. By Wallace D. Loh. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1984. Pp. xxix, 778. Reviewed by: Robert L. Nelson.
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