Art of Hosting

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The Art of Hosting is both a set of facilitation techniques focused on engaging diverse perspectives in dialogue and an approach to making change in complex systems. Since 2011, faculty and staff at the University of Minnesota who participate in a three-day training work have applied the approach to many diverse settings. By sharing our stories, we hope to continue to inspire significant shifts in this and other complex institutions.

This Cultivating Change ebook and companion website are designed to make visible the practical application of collaborative leadership unleashed by the introduction of the Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter at the University of Minnesota.

Art of Hosting definition: The Art of Hosting is an approach to leadership that scales up from the personal to the systemic using personal practice, dialogue, facilitation and the co-creation of innovation to address complex challenges.

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    Cultivating Change in the Academy: Practicing the Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter within the University of Minnesota
    (2013-08-15) Lundquist, Leah; Sandfort, Jodi; Lopez, Cris; Sotela Odor, Marcela; Seashore, Karen; Mein, Jen; Lowe, Myron
    The Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter is a set of facilitation techniques focused on engaging diverse perspectives in dialogue, an approach to making change in complex systems and an international community of practitioners. Since 2011, faculty and staff at the University of Minnesota who participate in a three-day training work have been applying the approach to many diverse settings. Inspired by the 2012 University of Minnesota collaboratively authored eBook ( on how technology is Cultivating Change in the Academy, this eBook features twenty-two stories describing how the Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter is impacting significant grassroots shifts in teaching, research and outreach across the University.