School of Architecture Student Papers and Research

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    Procession in Renaissance Venice: Effect of Ritual Procession on the Built Environment and the Citizens of Venice
    (2016) Ghoshal, Shreya
    For Venetians, the miraculous rediscovery of Saint Mark’s body brought not only the reestablishment of a bond between the city and the Saint, but also a bond between the city’s residents, both by way of ritual procession. After his body’s recovery from Alexandria in 828 AD, Saint Mark’s influence on Venice became evident in the renaming of sacred and political spaces and rising participation in ritual processions by all citizens. Venetian society embraced Saint Mark as a cause for a fresh start, especially during the Renaissance period; a new style of architecture was established to better suit the extravagance of ritual processions celebrating the Saint. Saint Mark soon displaced all other saints as Venice’s symbol of independence and unity.
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    Neoliberal Housing Policy: Adaptation for Housing Frameworks in Latin America
    (2016-11) Lee, Ka Yan
    Housing stock within Latin American counties is in critical condition as population continues to flourish. To alleviate this epidemic of housing shortage, current housing policy frameworks are examined for events in the past that caused the framework to fail. What is the best solution to boost affordable housing? Through an investigation of housing policy evolution of two comparison cities of Rio de Janeiro and Guatemala City policy frameworks are examined through economic structure and housing system. A solution to the failed housing frameworks is to incorporate neoliberal housing ideals of utilizing the private market to play a role in providing affordable housing in the cities. Through the analysis of Rio de Janeiro and Guatemala City, this paper examines the differences in public policies on housing and identifying how neoliberalism impacts housing policies differ from traditional frameworks. In addition, the paper challenges neoliberal housing ideals and the practicalities for today’s housing climate behind radical ideals.
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    Design Guidelines for Low Income Housing
    (2016-12) Matuke, Samantha T
    The guidelines and case studies presented in this guide focus specifically on housing projects for low income communities. It must be acknowledged that there are other, sometimes more successful, methods of housing low income residents, such as mixed use or mixed income developments. A wide array of design guidelines exist for those mixed use, mixed income developments already. However, development focused entirely on low income housing exists, and continues to be built. Very few guidelines exist for these types of developments, and this guide is a response to that need.
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    Mathematical Beauty in Renaissance Architecture
    (2016) Matuke, Samantha
    Many buildings throughout the Renaissance were perceived as beautiful, and remain to be seen as so. Leon Battista Alberti defines beauty as “that reasoned harmony of all the parts within a body, so that nothing may be added, taken away, or altered, but for the worse” and specifies that “the three principal components of the whole theory [of beauty] into which we inquire are number [numerus], what we might call outline [finitio] and position [collocatio]”. Beauty, as defined by these terms, comes from both underlying geometries and numerical relationships. The design theory of both Leon Battista Alberti and Andrea Palladio exemplify proportional and geometrical beauty. The architecture of both Alberti and Palladio support Plato’s belief that “those arts which are founded on numbers, geometry and the other mathematical disciplines, have greatness and in this lies the dignity of architecture”. Their theories were detailed in the treatises they wrote, and brought to physical form in the design of the Santa Maria Novella facade (see Image 1), and Villa Rotunda (Image 2) , which exude beauty due to their strong geometric and numeric relationships.