Klaus P. Jankofsky Fund for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Essays

Persistent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11299/257981

Since 1999, the Klaus P. Jankofsky Fund for Medieval and Renaissance Studies has supported an annual lecture by a notable scholar of Medieval or Renaissance Studies and an essay competition, in which a monetary prize is awarded to the best student essay on any topic in Medieval and/or Renaissance Studies (roughly AD 350-1660, including History, Art History, English, Foreign Languages, Linguistics, etc.) by a UMD student. The Committee selects winners based on the strength and presentation of the argument, as well as originality of research, where appropriate. A monetary prize is awarded to the best essay, which is published here in the UMD institutional repository and may potentially be published in a booklet as well, which is also funded by the Fund's anonymous donor and dedicated to the memory of Professor Jankofsky and the student-scholars who carry on his intellectual legacy. Any UMD student may compete in the contest. The winner is announced at the Jankofsky Lecture in the spring.

This collection contains the first published booklet, which includes the winning essays from 2001 to 2007, and individual winning essays from 2008, 2009, 2011-2015, and 2019-2024.

For more information about the Jankofsky Lectures, see the Klaus P. Jankofsky Lecture Posters, Postcards, and Programs collection.

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