Duluth Business Indicators

Persistent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11299/255796

This collection contains issues of Duluth Business Indicators, published monthly (with some annual summaries) by the Department of Business and Economics and later by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. In the later period (roughly 1979-1992) there was also a yearly Forecast publication that used its own numbering system, separate from the monthly issues; these issues have "Forecast" in the title.

Issues date from May 1964 through December 1992, though some issues are missing. (Likely missing issues include July 1982 and May 1986.) Some issues contain inserts of other publications, including the Duluth Hotel-Motel Tax Index in the 1970s and the Duluth Tourist Index in early 1980.

Dr. Cecil H. Meyers, professor of business and economics at UMD, originated this publication in May 1964 and continued compiling the data during the 1960s and 1970s. Later authors included Glenn O. Gronseth, Jerrold M. Peterson, Peter J. Oppel, Donald N. Steinnes, and James A. Skurla, most of whom were affiliated with UMD.

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