Volume 01, Number 2, 2010

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    Rigor: An Essentiality in Qualitative Research
    (University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, 2010) Jamshed, Shazia Qasim; Ibrahim, Mohamed Izham Mohamed; Hassali, Mohamed Azmi Ahmad; Shafie, Asrul Akmal; Al-Haddad, Mahmoud Sa’di Mohammad; Alkalami, Ramadan
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    Pre-Medicare Eligible Individuals’ Decision-Making In Medicare Part D: An Interview Study
    (University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, 2010) Jin, Tao; Cline, Richard R.; Hadsall, Ronald S.
    Objectives The objective of this study was to elicit salient beliefs among pre-Medicare eligible individuals regarding (1) the outcomes associated with enrolling in the Medicare Part D program; (2) those referents who might influence participants’ decisions about enrolling in the Part D program; and (3) the perceived barriers and facilitators facing those considering enrolling in the Part D program. Methods Focused interviews were used for collecting data. A sample of 10 persons between 62 and 64 years of age not otherwise enrolled in the Medicare program was recruited. Interviews were audio taped and field notes were taken concurrently. Audio recordings were reviewed to amend field notes until obtaining a thorough reflection of interviews. Field notes were analyzed to elicit a group of beliefs, which were coded into perceived outcomes, the relevant others who might influence Medicare Part D enrollment decisions and perceived facilitators and impediments. By extracting those most frequently mentioned beliefs, modal salient sets of behavioral beliefs, relevant referents, and control beliefs were identified. Results Analyses showed that (1) most pre-Medicare eligible believed that Medicare Part D could “provide drug coverage”, “save money on medications”, and “provide financial and health security in later life”. However, “monthly premiums”, “the formulary with limited drug coverage” and “the complexity of Medicare Part D” were perceived as major disadvantages; (2) immediate family members are most likely to influence pre-Medicare eligible’s decisions about Medicare Part D enrollment; and (3) internet and mailing educational brochures are considered to be most useful resources for Medicare Part D enrollment. Major barriers to enrollment included the complexity and inadequacy of insurance plan information. Conclusion There are multiple factors related to decision-making surrounding the Medicare Part D enrollment. These factors include the advantages and disadvantages of enrolling in Part D, facilitators and barriers to enrolling in Medicare Part D, and significant individuals and groups for pre-Medicare eligible individuals.
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    Commentary for Patients' Knowledge of and Practices Relating to the Disposal of Used Insulin Needles
    (University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, 2010) Johnson, Michelle
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    Patients’ Knowledge of and Practices Relating to the Disposal of Used Insulin Needles
    (University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, 2010) Musselman, Kerri T.; Sicat, Brigitte L.; Thomas, Michelle Herbert; Harpe, Spencer E.
    Objective: To determine (1) how patients currently dispose of used insulin needles, (2) whether patients were educated about disposal of their used insulin needles, and (3) who educated patients about the disposal of their used insulin needles. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was designed for this study. The survey assessed patient knowledge about disposal of used insulin needles and the patient-reported source and location of education about disposal techniques. The questionnaire was administered to a convenience sample of patients from four locations in Richmond, Virginia. Any patient who used insulin, was at least 18 years old, and was willing to complete the survey was eligible for inclusion. Results: Fifty responses were received with 40% indicating that education had been received on the disposal of used needles. From that 40%, nurses were identified as the source of education 60% of the time and pharmacists 25% of the time. Approximately 50% of the respondents reported disposing of used needles directly in the trash when at home. While away from home, 22% reported placing used needles in the trash, and 38% took them home for disposal. Conclusion: Patients are not consistently educated regarding the proper disposal of used needles. Health care practitioners should play a larger role in educating patients about the potential risks of inappropriate needle disposal and appropriate disposal methods. Future research is still needed to understand fully the magnitude of the problems associated with inappropriate needle disposal by patients.
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    Will a Fixed Price Reimbursement Policy for Statins be Cost-Effective for Turkey’s Health Care System?
    (University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, 2010) Kockaya, Guvenc; Wertheimer, Albert I.
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    “N of 1, Footprints and Webs”
    (University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, 2010) Thomas, Norrie
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    Caring for hepatitis C patients: Reflections on pharmacy and anthropology
    (University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, 2010) Parrish II, Richard H.
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    Insights for Pharmacy: A Call for Papers
    (University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, 2010) Anderson, Lowell J.
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    Defining Levels of Learning for Strengths Development Programs in Pharmacy
    (University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, 2010) Janke, Kristin K.; Sorensen, Todd D.; Traynor, Andrew P.
    The Clifton StrengthsFinder® is an online measure of personal talent that identifies where an individual’s greatest potential for building strengths exists. This paper describes a framework for strengths education in pharmacy which includes introductory, intermediate and advanced levels of learning. The use of the StrengthsFinder® assessment and supporting workshops aids student pharmacists, pharmacy residents and practitioners in identifying and refining their talents and connecting talents to roles in the profession. Additional learning strategies support a learner’s progression to intermediate and advanced levels of learning, which focus on the application of strengths in teams, leadership, and organizational development. By articulating and recognizing levels of learning around strengths-related content and skills, strong instructional design is fostered. Optimal design includes development of a sequence of learning opportunities delivered over time, a roll-out plan and consideration of the instructional resources required.
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    Continuing Professional Development: the role of a regulatory board in promoting lifelong learning
    (University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy, 2010) Konstantinides, George