Senate Committee on Student Affairs (SCSA) Minutes
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The Student Affairs Committee is concerned with all issues dealing with the welfare of students at the University of Minnesota.
For the full committee charge, including duties and responsibilities, and the current membership, please visit the Committee on Student Affairs website.
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Item Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: September 27, 2023(University of Minnesota, 2023-09-27) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsIn these minutes: Overview of the University Senate Governance Structure and Committee Charge; Overview and Update on the President's Initiative for Student Mental Health (PRISMH); Overview and Discussion about Hunger Free Campuses; Elect One Student as Ex-Officio Member on the Student Senate Consultative Committee (SSCC); Submit Ideas and Issues for the Academic YearItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: February 8, 2023(University of Minnesota, 2023-02-08) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsIn these minutes: Update from International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS); PolicyReview - Administrative Policy: Student Travel and Education Abroad: Health and SafetyItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: November 16, 2022(University of Minnesota, 2022-11-16) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsIn these minutes: Comprehensive Review of the Administrative Policy: Resolving Alleged Student Conduct Code Violations; Report On and Get feedback Regarding the Recommendations from the Provost’s Task Force on Misconduct/Graduate AdvisingItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: October 20, 2021(University of Minnesota, 2021-10-20) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsIn these minutes: University of Minnesota Morris (UMM) - Student Affairs and Student Government Update; Update on Student Success Efforts Utilizing APLUS and CanvasItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: April 13, 2022(University of Minnesota, 2022-04-13) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsIn these minutes: University of Minnesota Twin Cities (UMTC) - Student Affairs Update; Update from the University of Minnesota's Department of Public Safety (DPS) including Clery ReportingItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: March 16, 2022(University of Minnesota, 2022-03-16) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsIn these minutes: University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) - Student Affairs and Student Government Update; Student Engagement on the St. Paul Campus; Update on the Building Namings Policy (Board of Regents Policy: Namings and Renaming)Item Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: February 9, 2022(University of Minnesota, 2022-02-09) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsIn these minutes: University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR) - Student Affairs and Student Government Update; Policy Review: Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct CodeItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: November 17, 2021(University of Minnesota, 2021-11-17) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsUniversity of Minnesota Crookston (UMC) - Student Affairs and Student Government Update; Presentation and Discussion on University Housing and CostsItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: September 22, 2021(University of Minnesota, 2021-09-22) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsIn these minutes: Overview of the University Senate Governance Structure and Committee Charge; Elect One Student as Ex-Officio Member on the Student Senate Consultative Committee (SSCC); Overview on International Student Issues Caused by the Pandemic; Discussion of Ideas and Issues for the Academic YearItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: April 14, 2021(University of Minnesota, 2021-04-14) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsIntroduction and Discussion with New Vice President for Student Affairs; Gopher Equity Project; Consultation on New Administrative Policy on DiscriminationItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: March 17, 2021(University of Minnesota, 2021-03-17) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsIn these minutes: University of Minnesota Morris (UMM) - Student Affairs and Student Government Update; Consultation on YOU@UMN Wellbeing Portal for Students; Consultation on Resolution on Student ProtestingItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: February 10, 2021(University of Minnesota, 2021-02-10) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsUniversity of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) - Student Affairs and Student Government Update; Update from the President's Initiative to Prevent Sexual Misconduct (PIPSM); Update on the University’s Student Financial Obligations and Responsibilities eAgreement in MyUItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: November 18, 2020(University of Minnesota, 2020-11-18) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsUniversity of Minnesota Crookston (UMC) - Student Affairs and Student Government Update; Consultation on Metrics for the Systemwide Strategic PlanItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: October 21, 2020(University of Minnesota, 2020-10-21) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: September 23, 2020(University of Minnesota, 2020-09-23) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: April 22, 2020(University of Minnesota, 2020-04-22) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: March 25, 2020(University of Minnesota, 2020-03-25) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: February 19, 2020(University of Minnesota, 2020-02-19) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: November 20, 2019(University of Minnesota, 2019-11-20) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student AffairsItem Minutes: Senate Committee on Student Affairs: October 16, 2019(University of Minnesota, 2019-10-16) University of Minnesota. Senate Committee on Student Affairs