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Item A Site Study of Soil Charactersistics and Soil Gas Radon in Rochester, Minnesota(Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota, 1991) Lively, R.S.; Steck, D.J.; Brasaemle, B.In regional surveys, indoor radon is usually the parameter of interest, but occasionally soil gas radon at depths of 1 meter or less is also measured. At statewide scales, even limited data sets can be used to infer relationships between geology and soil gas or indoor radon. However, predicting the radon potential of a single house or even an area the size of a neighborhood is more difficult As the size of a surveyed area decreases, site-specific variables become more significant. During 1990 we completed a study of two residential neighborhoods within 7 kilometers of each other near Rochester, Minnesota. Eight holes were augered into glacial sediments to maximum depths of 4.5 meters and samples collected for grain-size analysis, measurement of radon parent/daughter nuclides and radon emanation. A total of sixty-five homes in the areas were provided with two alpha-track registration detectors for indoor monitoring between September 1988 and September 1989. Positive correlations were observed between the average soil radon, the average indoor radon, and the precursor/daughter radionuclides. The study area with the most topographic relief also had the highest radionuclide contents, the most variability with depth, and some variation with time and soil moisture; these results were not observed at the low-relief site. The type of study described would best be applied to site-specific preconstruction screening, rather than to predicting radon in existing structures.Item Geological mapping and 3D model of deposits that host ground-water systems in the Fargo-Moorhead region, Minnesota and North Dakota(Minnesota Geological Survey, 2005) Thorleifson, L. H.; Harris, K.L.; Berg, J.; Tipping, R.G.; Malolepszy, Z.; Lusardi, B.A.; Setterholm, D.; Anderson, F.The objective of the current project is to present an updated and enhanced depiction of the sediments and rocks within which ground-water systems occur across the Fargo-Moorhead region, to support further assessment of currently utilized and potentially usable ground-water resources in the region. To do so, existing geologic maps from North Dakota and Minnesota were compiled, interpreted, and integrated to produce two maps, one depicting the uppermost unconsolidated deposits (Surficial Geology; 1: 200,000), and the other depicting the uppermost rocks (Bedrock Geology; 1: 400,000). These maps were merged with a new interpretation of bedrock elevation and a compilation of readily available digital drillhole data for approximately 30,000 sites to produce a three-dimensional (3D) depiction of subsurface geology, extending from the land surface down to the top of the granites and other igneous and metamorphic basement rocks of Precambrian age that underlie the entire region.Item Mesabi deep drilling project, Progress Report No. 1(Minnesota Geological Survey, 1968) Pleider, E.P.; Morey, G.B.; Bleifuss, R.L.Item Environmental geology of the North Shore, Minnesota(Minnesota Geological Survey, 1977) Green, J.C.; Jirsa, M.A.; Moss, C.M.Item Field trip guidebook for the Precambrian geology of the St. Cloud Granite district, east-central Minnesota(Minnesota Geological Survey, 1976) Morey, G.B.Item Guide to the Minerals and Rocks of Minnesota(Minnesota Geological Survey, 1958) Schwartz, G.M.; Theil, G.A.Item Pleistocene geology and evolution of the upper Mississippi valley, Minnesota(Minnesota Geological Survey, 1985) Lively, R.S.Item Hydrogeology and groundwater quality of Olmsted County, Minnesota(Minnesota Geological Survey, 1976) Hogberg, R.K.; Gilmer, Todd H.Item Development possibilities of the Indian reservation lands in Minnesota(Minnesota Geological Survey, 1961) Schwartz, G.M.Item Field trip guide for the Minneapolis Quadrangle, Minnesota(Minnesota Geological Survey, 1971) Hogberg, R.K.Item Field trip guide for the environmental geology of Olmsted County, Minnesota(Minnesota Geological Survey, 1973) Hogberg, R.K.Item Field trip guidebook for environmental geology of Olmsted County, Minnesota(Minnesota Geological Survey, 1974) Hogberg, R.K.Item Field trip guide for St. Cloud Granite District, central Minnesota(Minnesota Geological Survey, 1975) Hogberk, R.K.