Master of Professional Studies in Horticulture, Final Projects

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    The American Front and Side Yard - From Colonial to Contemporary for a zone 4 garden
    (2008) Grotans Luss, Gunda
    This is an overview of garden and corresponding house styles in America from the 1600’s until the present. It considers how world view and a perception of “Nature” affects landscape design. Over time the fear of the wild turned to a desire to tame it and now to preserve it.
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    Dry Prairie Restoration Using Mycorrhizal Inoculants
    (2021) Migdal, Nathan
    Converting high-input agricultural land from conventional crop production to prairie vegetation requires careful planning and timely execution. This ongoing research is examining commercial mycorrhizal inoculants used for soil regeneration within a suboptimal restoration area. The primary goal of this study is to quantify plant biological responses to various blends of mycorrhizal fungi applied at specific quantities while seeding plots.