Constitutional Commentary, Volume 17, Issue 3 (Winter 2000)
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Item Brown's Promise, Blaine's Legacy: a review essay of: Choosing Equality: School Choice, The Constitution, and Civil Society. Joseph P. Viteritti(University of Minnesota Law School, 2000) Garnet, Richard W.Brown's Promise, Blaine's Legacy: a review essay of: Choosing Equality: School Choice, The Constitution, and Civil Society. Joseph P. Viteritti. Brookings Institution Press. 1999. Pp. 284. Reviewed by: Richard W. GarnettItem The Limits of Gaylaw: a review essay of: Gaylaw; challenging the apartheid of the closet. William N. Eskridge, Jr.(University of Minnesota Law School, 2000) Carpenter, DaleThe Limits of Gaylaw: a review essay of: Gaylaw; challenging the apartheid of the closet. William N. Eskridge, Jr. Harvard University Press. 1999. Pp. 512. Reviewed by: Dale CarpenterItem Presidential Impeachment: The Original Misunderstanding(University of Minnesota Law School, 2000) Orth, John V.Item The Fourteenth Amendment and Native American Citizenship(University of Minnesota Law School, 2000) Maltz, Earl M.Item Unnatural Born Citizens and Acting Presidents(University of Minnesota Law School, 2000) Ho, James C.Item Shrink Missouri, Campaign Finance, and "The Thing That Frederick Schauer Wouldn't Leave"(University of Minnesota Law School, 2000) Hasen, Richard L.Item Fictional Documentaries and Truthful Fictions: The Death Penalty in Recent American Film(University of Minnesota Law School, 2000) Dow, David R.Item Necromancing the Equal Rights Amendment(University of Minnesota Law School, 2000) Denning, Brannon P.; Vile, John R.Item Book review: Outsider Voices on Gun and the Constitution; a book review of: Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the right to bear arms, 1866-1876. By Stephen P. Halbrook(University of Minnesota Law School, 2000) Lund, NelsonBook review: Outsider Voices on Gun and the Constitution; a book review of: Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the right to bear arms, 1866-1876. By Stephen P. Halbrook. Westport, Ct. Praeger Publishers. 1998. Pp. xiii, 230. Reviewed by: Nelson LundItem Book review: Has The Hour of Democracy Come Round at Last? The New Critique of Judicial Review; a book review of: One case at a time: judicial minimalism on the Supreme Court. By Cass R. Sunstein; Taking the Constitution away from the courts. By Mark Tushnet.(University of Minnesota Law School, 2000) Griffin, Stephen M.Book review of: One case at a time: judicial minimalism on the Supreme Court. By Cass R. Sunstein. Harvard University Press. 1999. Pp. 290 ; Taking the Constitution away from the courts. By Mark Tushnet. Princeton University Press. 2000. Pp. 242. Reviewed by: Stephen M. Griffin.Item Defending Judicial Supremacy: A Reply(University of Minnesota Law School, 2000) Alexander, Larry; Schauer, Frederick