Senate Committee on Finance and Planning (SCFP) Minutes

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The Committee serves as the consultative body to the President and senior University officers on all major issues of planning, budget, resource allocation policy, and University operations. The committee is expected to consider matters of University-wide policy or effect. Prior to the formation of the Senate Committee on Finance and Planning, two separate committees – Senate Finance Committee and Senate Planning Committee – served as the consultative bodies for these issues and areas.

This collection also includes the Subcommittee on Twin Cities Facilities and Support Services, which under the general direction of the committee, reviews the operations of support service units on the Twin Cities campus and makes recommendations it deems appropriate to the committee. The issues and units it addresses each year are agreed upon by the chairs of the committee and subcommittee.

For a full committee charge, including duties and responsibilities, and the current membership, please visit the Committee's website.

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