Constitutional Commentary, Volume 30, Issue 1 (Winter 2015)
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Item Three Arguments about War(University of Minnesota Law School, 2015) Tsai, Robert L.Item The Civic Dimensions of American Constitutionalism(University of Minnesota Law School, 2015) Thomas, GeorgeBook review: The Civic Constitution: Civic Visions and Struggles in the Path toward Constitutional Democracy. By Elizabeth Beaumont. Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. xvi + 343. Peopling the Constitution. By John E. Finn. University Press of Kansas, 2014. Pp. xv + 350. Reviewed by George ThomasItem The Structure of the American Civic Sphere(University of Minnesota Law School, 2015) Zeisberg, MariahBook review: The Civic Constitution: Civic Visions and Struggles in the Path toward Constitutional Democracy. By Elizabeth Beaumont. Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. xvi + 343. Peopling the Constitution. By John E. Finn. University Press of Kansas, 2014. Pp. xv + 350 Reviewed by Mariah ZeisbergItem Popular Constitutionalism contra Populism(University of Minnesota Law School, 2015) Brettschneider, CoreyBook review: The Civic Constitution: Civic Visions and Struggles in the Path toward Constitutional Democracy. By Elizabeth Beaumont. Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. xvi + 343. Peopling the Constitution. By John E. Finn. University Press of Kansas, 2014. Pp. xv + 350. Reviewed by Corey BrettschneiderItem Intentionalism Justice Scalia Could Love(University of Minnesota Law School, 2015) Levin, Hillel Y.Book review: The Nature of Legislative Intent. By Richard Ekins. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. xiv + 303. Reviewed by Hillel Y. LevinItem Rights and the Rule of Law in Third Way Constitutionalism(University of Minnesota Law School, 2015) King, JeffBook review: The New Commonwealth Model of Constitutionalism. By Stephen Gardbaum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Pp. xxi + 262. Reviewed by Jeff KingItem Separation Anxiety: the End of American Religious Freedom?(University of Minnesota Law School, 2015) Su, AnnaBook review: The Rise and Decline of American Religious Freedom. By Steven D. Smith. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014. Pp. 223. Reviewed by Anna SuItem Originalism All the Way Down?(University of Minnesota Law School, 2015) Lash, Kurt T.Book review: Originalism and the Good Constitution. By John O. McGinnis & Michael B. Rappaport. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2013. Pp. 298. Reviewed by Kurt T. LashItem Dog Whistling, the Color-Blind Jurisprudential Regime, and the Constitutional Politics of Race(University of Minnesota Law School, 2015) TerBeek, CalvinBook review: Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class. By Ian Haney López. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. ix + 277. Reviewed by Calvin TerBeek.Item Constitutional Commentary, Volume 30, Issue 1 (Winter 2015). Cover (issue text only)(University of Minnesota Law School, 2015)Item Constitutional Commentary, Volume 30, Number 1 (Winter 2015). Table of contents(University of Minnesota Law School, 2015)