Timothy J. Johnson

Persistent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11299/137586

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    Jon Lynn Lellenberg: A Bibliography
    (The Saturday Review of Literature, 2022-01) Johnson, Timothy J
    A bibliography of the writings of Jon L. Lellenberg (1946-2021) compiled by Timothy J. Johnson with the assistance of Michael Eckman, Julie McKuras, Donald K. Pollock, Steven A. Stilwell, and Richard J. Sveum. Lellenberg was a former Department of Defense strategist and North American representative for the Arthur Conan Doyle Estate. He was also a preeminent historian of the Baker Street Irregulars and other areas of Sherlockiana. Lellenberg served on the editorial board for the Friends of the Sherlock Holmes Collections at the University of Minnesota.
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    Such a Big Dream: Edward S. Curtis at 150--Exhibit Checklist
    (University of Minnesota Libraries, 2018) Johnson, Timothy J; Cardozo, Christopher; Bernardy, Peter; Terpstra, Darren
    A checklist of the items displayed for a University of Minnesota Libraries exhibit on Edward S. Curtis, mounted in the Elmer L. Andersen Library Gallery and on the second and third floor concourses, from October 8, 2018 to January 18, 2019. “It’s such a big dream, I can’t see it all,” is what Edward S. Curtis said of his master work, The North American Indian, published between 1907 and 1930. Curated by Curtis expert Christopher Cardozo, Special Collections and Rare Books curator Timothy Johnson, Cardozo Fine Art’s studio manager, Peter Bernardy, and designed by Darren Terpstra, this exhibit highlights not only this work, but also examines Curtis’s life and the impact he had on photography.
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    The Covenant Ministerium, 1870-1935: A Preliminary Study
    (1998) Johnson, Timothy J
    This study covers the years 1870 to 1935 and includes four interrelated pieces: an introductory essay on the nature of the Evangelical Covenant Church ministerium, biographical entries for members of the ministerium, a listing of ministers by year of ordination, and a listing of places served, or residences of, the ministerium. These last two lists come as appendices and follow the main body of text--the biographical entries. A bibliography follows the appendices.
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    A Holmes and Doyle Bibliography, Volume 10: All Formats—Combined Subject Listing
    (High Coffee Press, 2018) Johnson, Timothy J
    This bibliography is a work in progress. It attempts to update Ronald B. De Waal’s comprehensive bibliography, The Universal Sherlock Holmes, but does not claim to be exhaustive in content. New works are continually discovered and added to this bibliography. Readers and researchers are invited to suggest additional content. This volume contains all subject listings in all formats, arranged alphabetically by subject heading (according to De Waal's categories). In other words, it combines the listings from Volume 2 (Monograph and Serial Titles), Volume 6 (Periodical Articles), and Volume 8 (Audio/Visual Materials) into a comprehensive subject bibliography. (There may be additional materials included in this list, e.g. duplicate items and items not yet fully edited.) As in the other volumes, coverage of this material begins around 1994, the final year covered by De Waal's bibliography, but may not yet be totally up-to-date (given the ongoing nature of this bibliography). It is hoped that other titles will be added at a later date.
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    A Holmes and Doyle Bibliography, Volume 9: All Formats—Combined Alphabetical Listing
    (High Coffee Press, 2018) Johnson, Timothy J
    This bibliography is a work in progress. It attempts to update Ronald B. De Waal’s comprehensive bibliography, The Universal Sherlock Holmes, but does not claim to be exhaustive in content. New works are continually discovered and added to this bibliography. Readers and researchers are invited to suggest additional content. This volume contains all listings in all formats, arranged alphabetically by author or main entry. In other words, it combines the listings from Volume 1 (Monograph and Serial Titles), Volume 3 (Periodical Articles), and Volume 7 (Audio/Visual Materials) into a comprehensive bibliography. (There may be additional materials included in this list, e.g. duplicate items and items not yet fully edited.) As in the other volumes, coverage of this material begins around 1994, the final year covered by De Waal's bibliography, but may not yet be totally up-to-date (given the ongoing nature of this bibliography). It is hoped that other titles will be added at a later date. At present, this bibliography includes 12,594 items.
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    A Holmes and Doyle Bibliography, Volume 8: Audio/Visual Materials, Subject Listing
    (High Coffee Press, 2018) Johnson, Timothy J
    This bibliography is a work in progress. It attempts to update Ronald B. De Waal’s comprehensive bibliography, The Universal Sherlock Holmes, but does not claim to be exhaustive in content. New works are continually discovered and added to this bibliography. Readers and researchers are invited to suggest additional content. This volume contains a subject listing of audio-visual materials. Coverage of this material begins around 1994, the final year covered by De Waal's bibliography, but may not yet be totally up-to-date (given the ongoing nature of this bibliography). It is hoped that other titles will be added at a later date.
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    A Holmes and Doyle Bibliography, Volume 7: Audio/Visual Materials, Alphabetical Listing
    (High Coffee Press, 2018) Johnson, Timothy J
    This bibliography is a work in progress. It attempts to update Ronald B. De Waal’s comprehensive bibliography, The Universal Sherlock Holmes, but does not claim to be exhaustive in content. New works are continually discovered and added to this bibliography. Readers and researchers are invited to suggest additional content. This volume contains an alphabetical listing of audio-visual materials. Coverage of this material begins around 1994, the final year covered by De Waal's bibliography, but may not yet be totally up-to-date (given the ongoing nature of this bibliography). It is hoped that other titles will be added at a later date.
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    A Holmes and Doyle Bibliography, Volume 6: Periodical Articles, Subject Listing, By De Waal Category
    (High Coffee Press, 2018) Johnson, Timothy J
    This bibliography is a work in progress. It attempts to update Ronald B. De Waal’s comprehensive bibliography, The Universal Sherlock Holmes, but does not claim to be exhaustive in content. New works are continually discovered and added to this bibliography. Readers and researchers are invited to suggest additional content. Volume 6 presents the periodical literature arranged by subject categories (as originally devised for the De Waal bibliography and slightly modified here).
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    A Holmes and Doyle Bibliography, Volume 5: Periodical Articles--Secondary References, Alphabetical Listing
    (High Coffee Press, 2018) Johnson, Timothy J
    This bibliography is a work in progress. It attempts to update Ronald B. De Waal’s comprehensive bibliography, The Universal Sherlock Holmes, but does not claim to be exhaustive in content. New works are continually discovered and added to this bibliography. Readers and researchers are invited to suggest additional content. Volume 5 includes "passing" or "secondary" references, i.e. those entries that are passing in nature or contain very brief information or content.
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    A Holmes and Doyle Bibliography, Volume 4: Periodical Articles circa 1994-2010, Primary References, Alphabetical Listing
    (High Coffee Press, 2018) Johnson, Timothy J
    This bibliography is a work in progress. It attempts to update Ronald B. De Waal’s comprehensive bibliography, The Universal Sherlock Holmes, but does not claim to be exhaustive in content. New works are continually discovered and added to this bibliography. Readers and researchers are invited to suggest additional content. Volumes 3-6 of the bibliography are assembled from the general periodical literature and from selected Sherlockian or Doylean periodicals; it now includes 8,879 citations.
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    A Holmes and Doyle Bibliography, Volume 3: Periodical Articles circa 1994-2010, Alphabetical Listing
    (High Coffee Press, 2018) Johnson, Timothy J
    This bibliography is a work in progress. It attempts to update Ronald B. De Waal’s comprehensive bibliography, The Universal Sherlock Holmes, but does not claim to be exhaustive in content. New works are continually discovered and added to this bibliography. Readers and researchers are invited to suggest additional content.
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    A Holmes and Doyle Bibliography, Volume 2: Monographs and Serials by Subject
    (High Coffee Press, 2018) Johnson, Timothy J
    This bibliography is a work in progress. It attempts to update and compliment Ronald B. De Waal’s comprehensive bibliography, The Universal Sherlock Holmes, but does not claim to be exhaustive in content. New works are continually discovered and added to this bibliography. Readers and researchers are invited to suggest additional content. This second volume focuses on monographic and serial titles, arranged alphabetically by subject.
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    A Holmes and Doyle Bibliography, Volume 1: Monographs and Serials by Main Entry
    (High Coffee Press, 2018) Johnson, Timothy J
    This bibliography is a work in progress. It attempts to update and compliment Ronald B. De Waal’s comprehensive bibliography, The Universal Sherlock Holmes, but does not claim to be exhaustive in content. New works are continually discovered and added to this bibliography. Readers and researchers are invited to suggest additional content. This first volume focuses on monographic and serial titles, arranged alphabetically by author or main entry.
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    By One Spirit: A Revised Name Index
    (High Coffee Press, 1993) Johnson, Timothy J; Pearson, Mark J; Olsson, Karl A
    A revised name index to a book on the history of the Evangelical Covenant Church entitled By One Spirit by Karl A. Olsson (Chicago: Covenant Press, 1962).
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    A Celebration of the Whittington Press
    (University of Minnesota Libraries, 2016) Johnson, Timothy J
    Essay and checklist for an exhibition mounted by the University Libraries.
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    Luther and the World Turned Upside Down: Prophecy, Revolution, and the End of Time -- A Coloring Book of Images from the Exhibition
    (University of Minnesota Libraries, 2017) Terpstra, Darren; Fong, Cheryll L; Johnson, Timothy J
    A coloring book of images taken from the exhibition "Luther and the World Turned Upside Down: Prophecy, Revolution, and the End of Time"
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    Luther and the World Turned Upside Down: Prophecy, Revolution, and the End of Time -- Exhibit Essay and Checklist
    (University of Minnesota Libraries, 2017-06) Louthan, Howard; Fong, Cheryll L; Johnson, Timothy J
    In this year that we remember the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, we encounter an individual who in some ways is just as polarizing and puzzling today as he was during his lifetime. Who was Martin Luther? Was he a progressive who brought needed changes to a church riddled with corruption and theologically adrift, or was he at the end of the day a social conservative who sided with the establishment and backed away from the revolutionary implications of his teaching? Luther and the World Turned Upside Down. Prophecy, Revolution, and the End of Time is an exhibit constructed to help us think through the often contradictory impulses that ran through this individual who more than anyone else transformed the religious landscape of medieval Europe. It offers clues and insights into Luther’s world and helps us think through these complicated questions.
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    More Than a "Washed-Up Has-Been:" Textual Aspects of the Holmes Icon
    (2013-10-25) Johnson, Timothy
    This paper focuses on textual exemplars from the Sherlock Holmes stories in support of an argument that these texts are just as important in understanding Holmes as a cultural icon as are the visual exemplars found in printed materials, theater, motion pictures, and television. Following a brief summary of the visual exemplars, the author presents six textual examples from the Holmesian canon to support the central argument of this paper—that the "textual logo" or "emblematic wording" is as much a part of the Holmesian iconography as the essential images. In the end, the author concludes that the idea of Holmes as a cultural icon has moved beyond the bounds of the English-speaking world, i.e. is understood in a global context, and that this understanding is rooted in a robust iconography that includes both textual phrases and visual images.