2021 College Student Health Survey Report: Health and Health-Related Behaviors, University of Minnesota-Duluth Students

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2021 College Student Health Survey Report: Health and Health-Related Behaviors, University of Minnesota-Duluth Students

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Health and Health-Related Behaviors, University of Minnesota-Duluth Students

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University of Minnesota




In the spring of 2021, thirteen postsecondary institutions in Minnesota joined with Boynton Health at the University of Minnesota to collect information from undergraduate and graduate students about their experiences and behaviors in the areas of health insurance and health care utilization, mental health, tobacco use, alcohol and other drug use, personal safety and financial health, nutrition and physical activity, and sexual health. This [University of Minnesota Duluth-specific] report highlights the findings of this comprehensive survey and serves as an essential first step in identifying health and health-related behavior issues affecting college students. Boynton Health hopes that the information contained in this report will be helpful to college and university leaders as they strive to develop programs and policies that will assure a safe institutional environment, promote access to health care and essential services, encourage responsible student decision making and behavior, and contribute to the health, well-being, and academic success of students enrolled in their schools. The survey results are also intended to raise awareness among state and local policymakers and community leaders concerning the importance of the health of college students to the overall educational, health, and economic status of Minnesota.


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University of Minnesota. Boynton Health. (2021). 2021 College Student Health Survey Report: Health and Health-Related Behaviors, University of Minnesota-Duluth Students. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/226675.

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