Survivorship and Fecundity Data Collected in Long-Term Study of Demography of Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana at 20 Populations in the Kern River Valley, California, USA from 2006 to 2017

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Kern River Valley, Kern Co., CA

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Survivorship and Fecundity Data Collected in Long-Term Study of Demography of Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana at 20 Populations in the Kern River Valley, California, USA from 2006 to 2017

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Moellere, David A


Field Study Data


Survivorship and fecundity data collected in long-term study of demography of Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana at 20 populations in the Kern River Valley, California, USA from 2006 to 2017.


The datafile (Data File Name: “Datafile_Survivorship_Fecundity.csv) contains data for long-tern study of the demography of Clarkia xantiana xantiana in Kern Co., CA for 20 populations from 2006 to 2017. The dataset includes data on survivorship and fecundity of plants in permanent plots that were followed from germination to fruiting. At each site, 30 permanent plots of 0.5 m2 were established in 2006 along 4-6 transects. Each year, the number of seedlings in each permanent plot was recorded in February, the number of surviving fruiting plants and the average number of fruits per plant in each plot with fruiting plants were recorded in June. In 2006, only a subset of permanent plots were monitored for seedling germination, and fruit number per fruiting plant was not recorded. From 2006-2012, fruit number per plant was scored as the sum of undamaged fruits plus the “undamaged fruit equivalents” of damaged fruit. For example, if a plant had 2 damaged fruits, where half of each fruit was missing, the number of undamaged fruit equivalents was scored as 1, and added to the number of undamaged fruits. From 2013-2017, undamaged and damaged fruits were scored separately.

Referenced by

The Geography of Demography: Long-Term Demographic Studies and Species Distribution Models Reveal a Species Border Limited by Adaptation. V. M. Eckhart, M. A. Geber, W. F. Morris, E. S. Fabio, P. Tiffin, and D. A. Moeller. The American Naturalist 2011 178:S1, S26-S43.

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Funding information

National Science Foundation

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Suggested citation

Moeller, David A; Geber, Monica A; Eckhart, Vince M. (2017). Survivorship and Fecundity Data Collected in Long-Term Study of Demography of Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana at 20 Populations in the Kern River Valley, California, USA from 2006 to 2017. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM),

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