EOA best practices clearinghouse directory 2018 (4th ed.).
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EOA best practices clearinghouse directory 2018 (4th ed.).
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Educational Opportunity Association and the University of Minnesota
(Purpose) The purpose of this directory was to identify, describe, and evaluate evidence that the education practices improve academic performance, close the achievement gap, and improve persistence towards graduation for low-income, first-generation, and historically-underrepresented 6th grade through college students. (Method) The sample for the directory was derived from TRIO and GEAR UP professionals located in the upper Midwest region that are affiliated with the Educational Opportunity Association (EOA). EOA and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Minnesota created a clearinghouse to disseminate evidence-based practical activities and approaches to improve success of students who are low-income, first-generation, and historically-underrepresented in education. The administrative and education best practices in this publication have been reviewed and approved by multiple members of an external expert panel of qualified reviewers. Each practice has been approved as promising, validated, or exemplary based on the level of evidence supporting it. The rigorous standards applied during the review process are similar to previous national evaluation efforts by the U.S. Department of Education (Results) The approved education practices of this 353 page directory represent each of the five major federally-funded TRIO and GEAR UP programs: (a) Educational Talent Search, “Emergency Field Trip Contingency Plan”, “Program Policies and Procedures Handbook”, “Peer Coaching Handbook”, “Academic Improvement Plan”, “Middle School Summer Curriculum”, (b) Upward Bound, “Upward Bound Senior College Exploration”, “Study Hall Days at a College Campus”, “Podcasting Academic and Career Counseling”, “Academic Advising Management System”, and “Planning Effective Campus Visits”; (c) Educational Opportunity Centers, “Coaching TRIO Students”, “Right Start to College Seminar for Adults”, and “Post service Assessment Tool”; (d) Disability Services, “Access College Today Program”; (e) Student Support Services, “Creating Global Experiences for College Students”, “Advising Syllabus”, “Integrated Approach to the First Year Experience”, “Horizons Study Abroad Experience”, “Procedures for a Study Abroad Program”, “Evaluation Tools for a Study Abroad Program”, “Integrated Learning Course”, “Tutoring for Students with Disabilities”, and “Tutor Training and Professional Development”; (f) Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement, “McWrite: Developing Scholarly Writing Skills”; and (g) GEAR UP, “High School Financial Literacy Curriculum”. (Implications) Rather than looking to others for solutions, the federally-funded TRIO and GEAR-UP grant programs have the expertise needed to solve vexing problems with student success. These programs are incubators of best education practices that can be implemented elsewhere. Detailed information is provided about the education practice purposes, educational theories that guide it, curriculum outlines, resources needed for implementation, evaluation process, and contact information. Educators need to investigate these education practices to discover effective learning practices that can be adapted and adopted for use in supporting higher student achievement, closing the achievement gap, increasing persistence to graduation, and meeting the needs of culturally-diverse and historically-underrepresented students. (Additional Materials) Appended to the directory are: (1) Profiles of TRIO and GEAR UP Programs with Best Practices; (2) EOA Clearinghouse External Expert Panelists; and (3) Procedures for Evaluation of Submissions to the EOA Clearinghouse.
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Arendale, D. R. (Ed.). (2018). EOA best practices clearinghouse directory 2018 (4th ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Educational Opportunity Association and University of Minnesota, College of Education and Human Development, Department of Curriculum and Instruction. ERIC database. (ED589760). Available online: http://z.umn.edu/eoabp2018
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Suggested citation
Arendale, David R.. (2018). EOA best practices clearinghouse directory 2018 (4th ed.).. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/200965.
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