Bedrock Geology Map and Cu-Ni Mineralization Data for the Basal Contact of the Duluth Complex West of Birch Lake, St. Louis and Lake Countiues, Northeastern Minnesota

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Bedrock Geology Map and Cu-Ni Mineralization Data for the Basal Contact of the Duluth Complex West of Birch Lake, St. Louis and Lake Countiues, Northeastern Minnesota

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Bedrock Geology Map and Cu-Ni Mineralization Data for the Basal Contact of the Duluth Complex West of Birch Lake, St. Louis and Lake Counties, Northeastern Minnesota, Natural Resources Research Institute Map

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University of Minnesota Duluth




This map is the outcome of eight days of field mapping by Dean M. Peterson in 2001 (Peterson, 2002e), and 6 days of mapping by the authors in 2002. The discovery of large (hundreds of meters long) gossanous expanses of Cu-Ni mineralized rock in the basal zone of the South Kawishiwi intrusion (SKI) in 2001 (in a historically under-mapped area) lead to the acquisition of funds to complete the subsequent detailed geological mapping that resulted in the publication of this map sheet. The mapping was completed at a scale of 1:3,000 and was concentrated within the Cu-Ni-PGE mineralized horizon immediately east of the basal contact of the Duluth Complex. Three mapping traverses were completed to the west into the footwall Neoarchean Giants Range batholith, and to the east into the unmineralized rocks of the SKI stratigraphically overlying the mineralized zone. The information generated from the detailed geological mapping was integrated with previous work by Phinney (1967), Miller et al. (2001), and Miller et al. (2002c), outside of the corridors of detailed mapping during the final compilation of this geologic map (see Fig. 1). In addition, geologic units intersected in the scattered drill holes in the area (see Severson, 1994) have been projected updip to the surface. The faults depicted on the map are interpreted from analysis of aeromagnetic data, steepening of the dip of the basal contact of the Duluth Complex (Figs. 2 and 3), and topographic lineaments. Digital data will be available online at in the fall of 2004.


The title on the map has a typographical error; "Countiues" should be "Counties."

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Series/Report Number

NRRI Economic Geology Group Map Series;NRRI/MAP-2004/02

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Suggested citation

Peterson, Dean M; Patelke, Richard L; Severson, Mark J. (2004). Bedrock Geology Map and Cu-Ni Mineralization Data for the Basal Contact of the Duluth Complex West of Birch Lake, St. Louis and Lake Countiues, Northeastern Minnesota. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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