Item format and the structure of the Personal Orientation Inventory

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Item format and the structure of the Personal Orientation Inventory

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Two versions of the Personal Orientation Inventory were administered to 317 subjects. One version employed the standard two-choice response format. The other version used a six-choice response format. The purpose of this study was (1) to determine if a multiple- response format resulted in improved psychometric properties, (2) to compare the component structure of the two versions, and (3) to compare the empirically derived scales with the theoretically defined scales. The results showed a slight improvement for the multiple- response format, but with poorly defined component patterns. The change in format resulted in a change in component structure. The components derived from both versions did not correspond to the theoretical scales. An analysis indicated that the only well-defined component from either response format could be interpreted as measuring social desirability responding rather than measuring content. A follow-up questionnaire indicated greater subject acceptance of the six-choice version.



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Previously Published Citation

Velicer, Wayne F, DiClemente, Carlo C & Corriveau, Donald P. (1984). Item format and the structure of the Personal Orientation Inventory. Applied Psychological Measurement, 8, 409-419. doi:10.1177/014662168400800405

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Velicer, Wayne F.; DiClemente, Carlo C.; Corriveau, Donald P.. (1984). Item format and the structure of the Personal Orientation Inventory. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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