Creating a new vision for the future: A report from the Blue Ribbon Commission

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Creating a new vision for the future: A report from the Blue Ribbon Commission

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American Council of Developmental Education Associations




Many opportunities have been presented to coordinate, collaborate, and to create new activities, services, and structures to better meet the needs of current and potential members. Rather than attempting to evaluate the merits of each of these three avenues in this report, the goal is foster an informed conversation about the future. The choices made by the organizations may include a combination of activities among these three categories. The critical next step is for a wider conversation among members of the organizations to take place concerning the future of the profession.


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Arendale, D. R., Boylan, H., Bornstein, N., Carpenter, K., Chambers, M., Drewes, S., Dvorak, J., Harris, J., Lusk, S., McGrath, J., Muse, V., Nikopoulos, B., Norton, J., Symons, L., Valkenberg, J., & Williams, L. (2014). Creating a new vision for the future: A report from the Blue Ribbon Commission. American Council of Developmental Education Associations. Available online: ERIC database. (ED545626).

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Arendale, David R.; Boylan, Hunter R.; Bonham, Barbara; Borstein, Nancy; Carpenter, Kathy; Chambers, Michael; Drewes, S; Dvorak, Johanna; Harris, Jackie; Lusk, S; McGrath, Jane; Muse, V; Nikopoulos, B; Norton, Jan; Symons, L; Valkenberg, Jim; Williams, L. (2006). Creating a new vision for the future: A report from the Blue Ribbon Commission. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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