Coaches' Perspectives: High School Sport Participation of Middle School Students


Coaches' Perspectives: High School Sport Participation of Middle School Students

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Scholarly Text or Essay


This thesis is a thoughtful look at athletic scholarship opportunities based on the years of high school experience received. It attempts to answer if students are at an advantage by being allowed to play high school level competition while still academically being in middle school. It also attempts to answer what is all required for a middle school student-athlete to be moved up based on player qualities, program requirements, and coach's philosophies.


Capstone Project Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Education Degree in the College of Education and Human Service Professions by Jacob M. Schalow University of Minnesota Duluth, August 2017. Advisors: Dr. Insoon Han and Dr. C.W. Johnson. 1 computer file (PDF); vi, 39 pages, appendices I-II, tables. This item has been modified from the original to redact the signatures present.

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University of Minnesota, Duluth. College of Education and Human Service Professions.

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Suggested citation

Schalow, Jacob M. (2017). Coaches' Perspectives: High School Sport Participation of Middle School Students. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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