Episode 57: Variable Rate Technology
Episode 57: Variable Rate Technology
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In this episode of the Nutrient Management Podcast, we’re talking about variable rate technology. What are some reasons that farmers might want to use variable-rate fertilizer instead of applying a single rate? Is there a difference between variable rating, different nutrient types? What are the technologies that are used to prescribe variable-rate fertilizer and what is the theory behind them? If farmers apply fertilizer at a variable rate, how should they evaluate those outcomes? Guests: Brad Carlson, Extension educator (Mankato) ; Daniel Kaiser, Extension nutrient management specialist (St. Paul); Jeff Vetch, Extension nutrient management researcher (Waseca). Additional resources: Variable rate nitrogen and nitrogen advisory tools: Do they work?; Fertilizer recommendation technology: What is success?; On-farm precision ag research update: In-season site-specific side-dress nitrogen rate recommendations for corn.
Runtime 42:32
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Wilcox, Jack; Kaiser, Daniel; Vetsch, Jeff; Carlson, Brad. (2023). Episode 57: Variable Rate Technology. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, https://hdl.handle.net/11299/259130.
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