Data and code for spectral canopy transmittance in diverse tree communities


Data and code for spectral canopy transmittance in diverse tree communities

Published Date



Author Contact

Williams, Laura


Field Study Data
Statistical Computing Software Code


Light may shape forest function not only as a source of energy or a cause of stress but also as a context cue: plant photoreceptors can detect specific wavelengths of light, and plants use this information to assess their neighborhoods and adjust their patterns of growth and allocation. Here, we examined how the spectral profile of light (350-2200 nm) transmitted through tree canopies differs among communities within three tree diversity experiments on two continents (200 plots each planted with one to 12 tree species). This dataset includes data and metadata on canopy transmittance and leaf area index (LAI) measured on these plots as well as leaf-level transmittance measured for each species in monoculture plots. Data processing code and example analysis code are also provided.


This dataset comprises a series of folders and sub-folders that contain the following: (1) data files of canopy transmittance, leaf area index and leaf-level transmittance (Data), (2) example R code to process raw spectrometer files (Code/R_processing) (3) R code to reproduce the data analyses reported in the associated paper (Code/R_analysis), and (4) supplementary figures used to assess data processing and outlier identification (Figures_data-processing).

Referenced by

Williams, L.J., Kovach, K.R., Guzman Q., J.A., Stefanski, A., Bermudez, R., Butler, E.E., Coq--Etchegaray, D., Glenn-Stone, C., Hajek, P., Klama, J., Medlyn, B.E., Messier, C., Moradi, A., Paquette, A., Park, M.H., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Townsend, P.A., Reich, P.B., Cavender-Bares, J., Schuman, M.C. (accepted) Tree diversity shapes the spectral signature of light transmittance in developing forests. Ecology.

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Funding information

NSF Biology Integration Institute: Advancing Spectral Biology in Changing Environments to understand Diversity (NSF-DBI- 2021898)
NSF Macrosystems Biology and NEON-Enabled Science (DEB 1638720)
Long-Term Ecological Research program at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (NSF LTER 1831944)
NOMIS foundation grant Remotely Sensing Ecological Genomics
Innovationsfonds Forschung

Previously Published Citation

Other identifiers

Suggested citation

Williams, Laura J.; Kovach, Kyle R.; Guzman Q., J. Antonio; Stefanski, Artur; Bermudez, Raimundo; Butler, Ethan E.; Glenn-Stone, Catherine; Hajek, Peter; Klama, Johanna; Moradi, Aboubakr; Park, Maria H.; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Townsend, Philip A.; Reich, Peter B.; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Schuman, Meredith C.. (2024). Data and code for spectral canopy transmittance in diverse tree communities. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM),

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