Plates for "The petrology, petrogenesis, and metallogeny of the South Kawishiwi intrusion in the Nokomis deposit area, Duluth Complex, northeastern Minnesota"

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Plates for "The petrology, petrogenesis, and metallogeny of the South Kawishiwi intrusion in the Nokomis deposit area, Duluth Complex, northeastern Minnesota"

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The attached pdf files are Plates I ("Geologic Bedrock Map of the South Kawishiwi Intrusion in the Maturi and Maturi Extension Areas, Lake County, Northeastern Minnesota") and II ("Fence Diagram through the northern South Kawishiwi intrusion in the Nokomis Deposit area") for the related thesis "The petrology, petrogenesis, and metallogeny of the South Kawishiwi intrusion in the Nokomis deposit area, Duluth Complex, northeastern Minnesota." Page xviii of the thesis lists these two plates, along with Plate III ("Petrogenesis and Metallogenesis Model of the South Kawishiwi Intrusion in the Nokomis Deposit Area"), which is missing. These plates were not submitted with the thesis originally but are on the CD that accompanies the physical item. The thesis can be found by clicking the link under "Related to" in this record.



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Suggested citation

White, Christopher Reed. (2008). Plates for "The petrology, petrogenesis, and metallogeny of the South Kawishiwi intrusion in the Nokomis deposit area, Duluth Complex, northeastern Minnesota". Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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