Different destination, different commuting pattern? Analyzing the influence of the campus location on commuting

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Different destination, different commuting pattern? Analyzing the influence of the campus location on commuting

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Journal of Transport and Land Use




There is a vast literature on the relationship between built environment and travel, emphasizing the importance of built environment as a determinant of travel. However, the majority of studies focuses on the characteristics of origins and neglects the influence that the destination might have on travel, despite the already demonstrated importance of destinations to explain travel. In this paper, we test the relationship between residential and workplace built environment and the commuting pattern of staff and students of the University of Lisbon, a multi-campus university. Data was obtained through a dedicated travel survey, containing 1474 georeferenced individuals. Chi-square analyses were developed to analyze differences between staff and students and between different campuses. A logistic regression model was developed to explain car commuting, controlling for socio-demographic data. Two different models were developed for students and staff. Our results show the built environment and associated multimodal accessibility of the campuses are important explanatory variables of commuting. Free parking at the campus is crucial for car commuting, especially for students. These results emphasize the importance of measuring destinations as explanatory variables and promoting good urban integration of the campus in the city, increasing its multimodal accessibility.


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Vale, David S.; Pereira, Mauro; Viana, Claudia M.. (2018). Different destination, different commuting pattern? Analyzing the influence of the campus location on commuting. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy, 10.5198/jtlu.2018.1048.

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