Thor Flight 44



Thor Flight 44

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The first flight (44) was for System ID with Thor using 1 second, 4 degree doublets across the roll, yaw, and pitch axes, in that order. This flight was used to complement data from the previous deployment which used manually injected doublets. Before switching from manual control, the pilot established a hands-off trim. During the doublets, the pilot was instructed to try to keep the airplane level in the axes that were not being excited. The aileron and rudder doublets occurred during the first five seconds, in which the pilot maintained altitude with the elevator. The elevator doublet occurred last, where the pilot maintained level wings using the ailerons. The software used for this flight wastrunk/Software/FlightCode rev 836. Flight 44 was dedicated to doublets on all three surfaces for system ID. The doublet period was one second, and the magnitude was four degrees for each surface. Thor Flight 44 Rx data: A096, L303, F001, H000

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Suggested citation

Taylor, Brian. (2012). Thor Flight 44. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,

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