Growing Day-Neutral Strawberries in High Tunnel Table-Top Systems
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Growing Day-Neutral Strawberries in High Tunnel Table-Top Systems
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This 2022 case study explores the production of day-neutral (DN) strawberries in Nisswa, MN by beginning fruit growers who use a table-top (TT) production system in high tunnels. Table top or “gutter” growing systems are raised off the ground; plants are grown in long bags or pots of soilless growing media atop gutters, which are supported by posts. The irrigation system is attached to an intensively-controlled drip fertigation system that moderates the water pH and provides the plants with nutrients multiple times per week. Advantages of the TT system include ease of harvest and potential yield increases if the system is managed well and temperatures remain ideal for strawberry production. The upfront labor and costs are significant, and growers must develop some technical expertise with fertigation. In 2021, the growers’ first year of DN strawberry production, the large HT yielded 1,080 lbs (0.432 lbs per plant). The entire harvest was marketed pre-picked at $8/lb grossing $8,640. After deducting annual material and labor expenses ($3,933.20), the growers net $4,706.80 in 2021. This does not account for fixed costs (HT, irrigation and TT system). The fixed costs, including the labor needed to erect the structure, run irrigation lines and set up theTTs, totaled $27,445. Due to the steep learning curve, the grower anticipates that it will take approximately 5-6 years to recover upfront investments.
This case study address production methods, input materials and labor requirements, yield performance, marketing, and includes a complete production budget.
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USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, grant #3002-11030-00097977
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DiGiacomo, Gigi; Klodd, Annie. (2023). Growing Day-Neutral Strawberries in High Tunnel Table-Top Systems. Retrieved from the University Digital Conservancy,
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