Student Publications

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    Somnia magazine, Fall 2015
    (School of Journalism and Mass Communications, 2015-12) Various students
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    Elephant magazine, Spring 2016
    (School of Journalism and Mass Communications, 2016-05) Various students
    Magazine mission statement: Elephant is here to to confront the topics that we often let slip into the background — just to stay in our comfort zone. We are unabridged in a diversity of viewpoints and strive to give readers stories they can digest. Through in-depth features, personal essays, and fresh perspectives on underreported stories, we’re done ignoring the elephant in the room. By covering taboo topics, we seek to ignite courage, stimulate conversation, and inspire change. The elephant is trumpeting loud — so listen up.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2012)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The Spring 2012 issue, Pause,explores topics such as how social media fueled regime change.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2012)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The Fall 2012 issue focuses on innovations in urban design, lifestyle, and culture.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2011)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The Spring 2011 issue, Flatline, focuses on health, religion, culture, innovations, and opinion features.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2010)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The Spring 2010 issue, Refuge focuses on women's rights, relationships, as well as stories of stay-at-home moms.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2010)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The Fall 2010 issue explores topics on the art of undefining - with life, politics, technology, and opinion features.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2009)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The Spring 2009 issue, Mettle, covers stories on current events, community, health and wellness, technology, as well as arts and entertainment.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2009)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The Fall 2009 issue, Flux explores topics about the ever-changing American dream: from issues in the LGBT community, to the importance of studying abroad and millenials as the new workforce.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2008)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism & Mass Communication. The Spring 2008 issue, Digest focuses on struggles of independent agriculture, fast food, and dieting.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2008)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The Fall 2008 issue focuses on transportation and sight-seeing in the Twin Cities - topics from the rebuilding of the 35W bridge to scenic drives around the Cities are the highlight of this issue.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2007)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The Spring 2007 issue, Intermission, is a comprehensive guide to Twin Cities Theater - from where to go when the money runs low, to new dimensions in performance art.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2007)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism & Mass Communication. The Fall 2007/Winter 2008 issue, Stem explores topics that concern green living - and solutions that will move us toward a greener tomorrow.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2006)
    Student magazine published by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The Spring 2006 issue, Echopedia explores contemporary topics from the new ways in which music is produced,eating and diet habits, to the increase in ADHD diagnosis.
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    (School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 2007)
    Magazine created by students at the School of Journalism & Mass Communication